

Faster Than the Internet!
I live with my family in Canada. We are Chinese. Like people everywhere who have moved to a new country, my parents always encourage me to stay in touch with things that are happening back home.
Satellite television makes things a lot easier. But we do not have a satellite yet. My parents read the newspapers when they can get them, and I like to get news from the Internet.
When the 2004 Summer Olympics were on, we wanted to know how the Chinese team was doing. And we did not want to wait until the next day to hear the results.
My brother loves the hurdles. I like the hurdles, too. And our mom and dad just like to keep up with the news at home.
Naturally, we are all very interested in Liu Xiang. He's China's best hurdler. It is the first time that a Chinese hurdler has made it to the Olympic finals.
His race was not shown on TV here in Canada.So we decided to follow it on the Internet. My brother found the race on the Internet. We gathered around the computer. We were all very excited, waiting for the start of the race. Who would win?
The first message we got was that the racers were all lined up at the starting line. We imagined the excitement at the starting line. We all waited with anticipation.
Then a message: “The race has begun." The next message was: "He wins!"
The race was over. We all laughed. In the time it took to blink our eyes, Liu Xiang had passed the finish line.
The Internet is fast. But Liu Xiang is faster.
