

Father’s Dream
Life would be rather dull if we did not have dreams. Dreams are things we hope to accomplish in the future. Do you have any dreams?
One of my dad's biggest dreams is to sail around the world on a sailing ship. He and his best friend always talk about it.
So this summer, they decided to rent a small boat and take us all for a one-week vacation. That way, they could test out their skills. They could learn on a small lake where it is safe.
We rented a nice houseboat and began our adventure on a nice sunny day. Everything went well the first day. The water was calm. There was no wind and everyone was happy. It felt like their dream was coming true.
But the next day, when we sailed to the river that connected to the lake, a strong wind came up. It made the waves really big. The boat started to bounce around. It was a little scary. The mothers held their kids tightly. No one was laughing or even talking.
The river got wider and wider. The waves were even stronger. The wind was blowing our boat far from land. My dad had trouble controlling the boat. He decided that we should go back.
We made it safely back to a place where the water was calm. My dad and his friend said that it would be safer if we stayed there.
Everybody laughed. Mom said, “You men will have to learn a lot before you set out on the big ocean."
Dad said, “ After today, we have learned a good lesson. It is good to have dreams. But it is really good to test them out before you act on them."
Dad's dream is still to sail around the world one day. He knows that dreams will come true if you really want them to. But he also knows that he has a lot to learn before he sets out on the open ocean.
