Vol6.EasyEnglish系列lighten up and smile(附文本)

Vol6.EasyEnglish系列lighten up and smile(附文本)


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Hey Joey, do you have a minute to catch up?

Sure Dad, I feel like we haven't had a chance to touch base in a while. How you doing? How is school going?

School is okay, it's almost over so I'm looking forward to being done with it.

I can't believe you've grown up so fast, I am one proud papa.

Thanks Dad, I'm still trying to sort out my plans for after graduation. I don't know what career field to go into. Nothing really stands out to me. I'm not even sure if I can get in a good college or hold down a job. This is just weighing me down.

Don't let that get you down, loosen up. I'm sure you'll work something out. What do you like to do in your free time? Maybe that will help you focus on some ideas.

You know I love gaming. If I could game all day, I would just do that.

Well, why don't you look into gaming? You can turn your hobby into a career. You could create video games, you could come up with ideas, design graphics, write codes. I'm sure there are options.

Do you really think I could do that?

Of course, you're creative and you're great with computers. You should ask around to see what is required to get a career in gaming. I bet your school's guidance counselor would help you out with your search.

That is a great idea Dad, thanks for your help. I'll ask Mr. Watson at school tomorrow if he can figure out how to get me involved in this career path. That would be awesome.

What's wrong Anna? You don't look very happy lately. You know you can open up to me about anything.

I know Mom

It's not good to bottle emotions up, it's good to express them.

I just feel like I'll never fit in. I tried to sit at Sophie's lunch table today and she put me down in front of my classmates. Then she told me to go away. Can you believe it? I felt awful, I went to the bathroom and burst into tears.

Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry that you have to put up with this bullying at school. But please try to loosen up and stop caring about what other people think of you. You are an amazing person, there are many people that love you.

I feel ugly when I look in the mirror, I have to fight back tears. I feel like if I were prettier, I'd be more popular. I don't like my body.

Hold on, you are beautiful and strong. Your body is such a gift. It allows you to play volleyball and be active. So pick your head up.

I just wish I could join in with Sophie and her friends. If I could just win over those girls, I think I'd be happier.

I know it seems like Sophie is important, but what if you focus on your other friends right now? You have some fantastic friends who back you up no matter what.

You mean like my volleyball teammates?

Exactly, those girls always lift you up and make you feel good about yourself. What if you invite them to come over for a sleepover this weekend? Maybe

You can't just sit around and be depressed. You could hang out and watch funny movies, you could order in some food and play fun games.

That sounds like a pretty fun night actually.

You can really embrace the positive friends you have and do away with those other girls at school. Lighten up and smile.

You are the best Mom, you always know how to cheer me up.

I'm really worried about Trevor.

Me too

He broke down crying yesterday. He told me he wants to drop out of school.

Really? Do you think this is because Maria broke up with him?

I think so, he was never like this before. He just seems to be falling apart.

What can we do to help him? Is there a way we can help him get over his heartbreak?

I'm not sure, I thought about bringing up the idea of seeing a therapist. I can call around and see if there's a good one nearby.

I don't think that's a good idea, he won't be open to it. You know he tends to tune out our advice and make his own decisions.

I think I can talk him into it.

Just don't try too hard because you'll push him away. How about getting some of his friends to invite him to eat out at a restaurant? Maybe they could go shoot some hoops afterward.

That sounds like something that might work. It would be good for him to get out of the house and socialize with his friends. I'll ask his friend Brian to reach out to him this weekend and try to make some plans.

Okay, I really think that once we can get him to spend more time with his buddies, he will start to forget about Maria.

I think so too.

I have big new sis.

What a coincidence, I have big news too. You go first.

I got a job in California.

That is awesome, congrats! What are you gonna do there?

I'll be chasing down criminals and fighting off bad guys.

What? That sounds dangerous.

It will be on a movie, I'm going to be an actor. I came across an ad for an audition for a role as a police officer and I decided to go for it. I was shocked when they made me an offer.

That is incredible, how exciting! I'm sure your career will take off in no time and you'll go far. How long will you be there?

Six months, I'm packing up this weekend and heading out on Monday. I won't head back home until November 26th.

November 26th? Are you serious?

Calm down sis, it's not too long. The time will fly by. Now what's your news?

Well, you won't believe this but you're gonna be an uncle.

What? That's amazing, congratulations!


Do you know what you're having?

We have decided to hold off finding out if it's a boy or a girl. We want to be surprised.

When is the baby due?

November 26th.

No way!

Yup, I'll see if I can finish up my job earlier so I can be home in time to meet my new niece or nephew.

Sounds like a great plan, we will have a lot to celebrate when you get back home.

