Vol4.口语听力训练single and married(配套文本看简介)

Vol4.口语听力训练single and married(配套文本看简介)


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Hello, excuse me, have you seen Mr Lampert?

He is the boss. Hello Mr Lampard, no he hasn't arrived yet. He usually arrives at 10.

At 10? Wow, that's too late. We start working at 7 in the morning here.

I know, but he's the boss. I suppose he can arrive at any time he wants. By the way, my name is Patrick. You must be new at this office, is that correct?

Yes, that's right. Hello Patrick, my name is Fernando. Fernando Brown and yeah, it's my first day here. I thought I was going to arrive too late but there's no one here.

Oh, it always happens. The secretary usually arrives at 7. It's 6:30, you've arrived too early. I suppose it is because it's your first day.

Well yeah, I thought arriving half an hour earlier was going to be good but anyway, you also arrive early as I can see. Why is that?

I often arrive at this time because if I leave home a little later, there will be too much traffic.

I totally get you, traffic here is horrible. And where do you work here? I mean, which office?

I am on the 7th floor in the logistic area but I am the first to arrive as usual. What about you? Where do you work? I heard they were hiring people for the marketing area.

That's correct, I work in the marketing area. I passed my interview so I am here. You are the first person I meet in this building. It's a pleasure.

It's good you arrive early. I mean, many people don't have this habit. They usually arrive on time or late.

Well, I am the father of two beautiful children. I am trying to teach them well, you know.

Oh, that's great. And what are their names, if I can know?

Of course, sure. The older is Brian and the other one is Barney. They are 12 and 6 years old. I usually wake up early because I have to take them to school. They start at 7 in the morning. After that, I come here to work. I always do this activity every day. What about you? I mean, do you have children? If so, what are their names?

No, I don't have any children. I never got married. I don't have a girlfriend either. I'm trying to focus my time and energy on this job. I want to get a promotion soon.

That sounds good but there's nothing wrong with having children. I mean, you can also work for a promotion if you are married and have children. I also want a promotion.

Oh, of course. I didn't mean to say you can't do that. But for me, it's different. I mean, I wake up every morning, go running, and then I take a shower and have breakfast. After that, I come to work. And I can do all those things because I don't have any children.

Maybe my routine is a little different but I can also go running whenever I want, you know. Then I take a shower, have breakfast with my children and my wife, and that's amazing. I feel renovated every time I have breakfast with my family. You will understand it someday.

I suppose so, but for the moment, I'm not interested in having children. I usually go out on Fridays to drink something with my friends or to relax and I can arrive at any time. I mean, I don't need to arrive early to take care of my children.

I also go out with my friends, not very often of course, and not until very late like you. But I still have a life, you know. I have friends, I can go out with them.

Yeah, but on Saturdays, I like to go to the beach or to the swimming pool. I relax there all day. I can't imagine myself doing that with children. I mean, I couldn't relax on the beach.

Of course, you can. Just in a different way. I relax but I have to take care of them at the same time. I always play with them and I like it. I mean, we play in the garden, the park, the beach. It's true, I can't lie down on the beach and sleep, but I like playing with my children. It's amazing.

Yeah, alright. And what about Sundays? Wouldn't you like to relax all day? Instead of that, you have to take care of your children and they are very noisy for sure.

Well, that's true. But you just get used to it. It's part of my life. Plus, you're married. You see the same person every day. Isn't that boring?

What are you talking about? Of course not. I love my wife and I don't get tired of her. Plus, we have fun. We usually go to the movies, to concerts, to the beach, many places.

Yeah, but it's not the same. I mean, I go out with different girls every weekend. Beautiful girls. If I get bored, I just stop dating her. Obviously, I am always honest with them. We usually go for a drink or to the disco. Sometimes, I travel with a girl and it's great. I am single and happy. I don't have to tell anyone about my actions. I am free.

It's not like I'm in jail, buddy. I am married, not in jail. I think it's just different. I mean, marriage has its advantages and disadvantages. The same with children. There are many good things about having children, you know. But also bad things. There are many bad things about having children.

Yeah, alright. Let's do something. Why don't we let people decide? What do you think, guys? Is it better to be single and don't have children? What do you say? Or do you think it's better to be married and have children? We want to read you.

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