42 中秋节

42 中秋节

> 42 中秋节
中秋节在中国是一个非常重要的传统节日,人们在农历的八月十五这一天庆祝中秋节。中秋节曾经是一个享受大米和小麦成功收割的日子。现在,它是亲朋好友相聚一堂吃月饼和赏月的一个佳节。中秋的月亮象征着和谐与团结。世世代代以来,月饼已有坚果、红豆沙(red been paste)、莲蓉(lotus-seed paste)或枣子(Chinese dates)等多种甜口的馅。人们常常将月饼与英国节日里吃的梅子布丁(plum pudding)和水果蛋糕相比。现在,在中秋节前的一个月就开始有数百种月饼在售卖了。

>> The Mid-Autumn Festival
The Mid-Autumn Festival is an important traditional festival in China, where its people celebrate it on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month. The festival used to be a time to enjoy the successful harvest of rice and wheat. Today, it is a festival for reunions among friends and relatives to eat moon cakes and watch the moon. The moon on that day is a symbol of harmony and unity. For generations, moon cakes have been made with sweet fillings of nuts, red bean paste, lotus-seed paste or Chinese dates. People often compare moon cakes to the plum pudding and fruit cakes which are served during the British holiday seasons. Nowadays, there are hundreds of various moon cakes on sale a month before the arrival of the Mid-Autumn Festival.
