41 春节联欢晚会

41 春节联欢晚会

41 春节联欢晚会
中国中央电视台的春节联欢晚会(the Spring Festival Gala)是近30年来中国人庆祝农历新年的重要活动之一。自1983年首届春节联欢晚会在中央电视台播出以来,每年除夕之夜它都如约而至。春晚通常在除夕晚上8点开始,持续4个小时左右,融合了歌舞、小品(comic sketches)、戏曲等节目。多年以来,春晚成了大多数中国人每逢春节必看的电视节目。要迎合所有观众的喜好很难,所以如何选取节目已经成为导演组的一大挑战。

>> The Spring Festival Gala
The CCTV Spring Festival Gala has been one of the important part of the lunar New Year celebration for Chinese in recent 30 years. Since the first Spring Festival Gala was staged on CCTV in 1983, it has been broadcast as scheduled on every lunar New Year's Eve. The gala usually starts at 8 p.m. on lunar New Year's Eve and lasts about four hours, its programs intermingling songs, dances, comic sketches, opera, etc. For years, it has become an essential TV program that the majority of the Chinese people watch during the Spring Festival. Since it is difficult to cater to all audience's tastes, how to choose the performances has become a big challenge for the director group.
