每日听写 4.18

每日听写 4.18


Text 9 在印第安纳州上大学的感受
W: Victor, you’ve been here in Indiana for six weeks now. How are you feeling?
M: I think I’ve got used to college life, going to classes, working out and hanging out with my friends. Though there’s pressure to meet deadlines, life here is never boring.
W: What’s been hard about being an Indiana basketball player?
M: Well, the training is very competitive, weightlifting and running every day. It’s not like high school. In high school, I really didn’t have to do that. I’m just trying to get used to it. And I think I am.
W: At this point, how do you see yourself fitting into this group?
M: I think we’re all different. George is from Britain. Chris and Leo are from Australia. I’m from France. And the rest are Americans. But I get along with everybody. You know, we are really starting to bond. It’s great to see how we grow each day as a team.
W: Thanks, Victor. I wish you a very happy and fruitful stay in Indiana.

