

Lesson Fourteen【第14课】Text【课文】
The Mystery of the Silver Box 《银匣子之谜》
Jacques Futrelle 雅克·富特雷尔

1 The Thinking Machine turned to the worried businessman, "State your problem.”
“思维机器”转向忧心忡忡/(忧愁)的商人:“ 说说你的问题。”

2 "It isn't a crime — that is, a crime that can be punished by law,” Mr. Grayson said, "but it has cost me millions, perhaps as much as ten million dollars! Briefly, there is an information leak at my office. My business plans have become known to others almost as soon as I have made them. My plans are large; I have millions of dollars at stake, and the need for secrecy is great. For years my plans have been safe, but half a dozen times in the last eight weeks they have become known to my competitors — in the smallest detail, and in time for them to steal my customers."
“它不是一种犯罪/这不是犯罪——就是说不是那种能够绳之以法的犯罪行为。” 格雷森先生说,“但它让我损失了数百万美元,也许高达1000万美元!简单地说,我的办公室有泄密的情况。我的商业计划几乎我一制定出来立刻就被别人知道了。/(我的商业计划几乎我一做好马上就被别人知道了。)/(几乎是我一制定好商业计划,马上就会有人知道。)我的计划很宏大;我有数百万美元正处于危险之中,因此,对保密的需求很大。多年来,我的计划一直很安全,但在过去的八周里,有六次我的计划被我的竞争对手所了解,——(他们了解)最具体的细节,并能及时抢走我的客户。”
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3 "Tell me more please," said The Thinking Machine.

4 "I make machines and tools used in factories. Recently I sent my salesmen to a new industrial area out West to demonstrate some new machines. At first this was a great success; the factory owners truly liked this on-the-spot service and bought everything the salesmen demonstrated.

5 “But suddenly my staff there reported that wherever they went, they were too late. My biggest business competitor had already sent their salesmen out to demonstrate their products at a lower price!"

6 The Thinking Machine walked to the window. "So now you want to know how — and when — information is leaking from your office. Well, to whom do you tell your business plans?"
“思维机器”走到窗前。“所以现在你想知道如何—— 何时—— 信息从你的办公室泄露出去的。嗯,你把你的商业计划告诉过谁?”

7 "No one, except my personal secretary, Evelyn Winthrop. She has been with me for six years; more than five years before this leak began. I have always trusted her."

8 "And she is the only one who knows your plans?”

9 “Well, she hears of my plans only a few minutes or so before I give orders to carry them out. This week, for instance, I planned to send salesmen to Oklahoma with new oil drills. My district manager didn't know this plan. Miss Winthrop heard of it only on the morning they were to go out. Then I dictated to her in my office some letters of instructions to my district managers. That is all Miss Winthrop knew of my Oklahoma plan. ”
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10 "You outlined the plan in those letters?”

11 "No. They merely told my managers which salesmen I wanted for Oklahoma and the costs of the various drills."

12 "But a careful person, kpowing the content of all those letters, could have worked out what you intended to do?"

13. "Yes, but no one person knew the contents of all the letters. Miss Winthrop and I were the only two human beings who knew what was in them all. Neither Miss Winthrop nor I left the office all day. Yet before the day ended, I received phone calls from two managers telling me of the unbeatable offers from my competitor."

14 "What is your business competitor's name?"

15 "Ralph Matthews,” said Mr. Grayson.

16 The Thinking Machine went to a desk, addressed an envelope, got a sheet of paper and placed it inside, and sealed the envelope. Then he turned back to Mr. Grayson, "Let us go to see Miss Winthrop now," he said.

17 From the office door, The Thinking Machine went straight to Miss Winthrop's desk and handed her the envelope. "Mr. Ralph Matthews asked me to give you this," he said.

18 The young woman glanced up at his face frankly, took the envelope, and turned it curiously in her hand. "Ralph Matthews, she repeated the name as if it sounded strange to her, "I don't think I know him." Nevertheless, she opened the envelope and took out the paper. "Why, it's a blank sheet!" she remarked, puzzled.
这个年轻的女子坦然地看了他一眼,接过信封,好奇地将信在手中转了一下。“拉尔夫·马修斯,”她重复了一遍这个名字,好像这名字十分陌生。“我想我不认识他。”尽管如此,她还是打开了信封,拿出了那张纸。“哎呀,是一张白纸!” 她惊讶地说。

19 The detective turned suddenly to Mr. Grayson who had looked on with frank astonishment, "May I use a telephone, please?" asked The Thinking Machine.

20 He picked the receiver of Miss Winthrop's phone and held it to his ear a moment. "It's busy, he said. He hung up, pausing for a moment to admire a beautiful silver box right beside the telephone. “Thank you, Miss Winthrop,” he said as he left the room.
他拿起温思罗普小姐的电话听筒,放到他的耳边听了一会儿。“现在(电话)占线。” 他说。他挂了电话,停了一会儿,欣赏着电话旁边的一个漂亮的银盒子。“谢谢你,温思罗普小姐,”他说着离开了房间。
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21 Back in Mr. Grayson's office; the detective told him to ask Miss Winthrop to take some dictation the next morning at 9:45. And that night, he arranged for a secret extension to be attached to Miss Winthrop's phone. The next morning he was at the extension, pencil in hand, while Mr. Grayson carried out his orders. A little later, he asked the businessman to go with him to the secretary's desk.

22 "So you did know Ralph Matthews after all," he said, throwing onto her desk a sheet of paper he had brought with him.
“这么说你还是认识拉尔夫· 马修斯的啦。” 他说,把他带进来的那张纸甩到她的桌子上。

23 The girl stopped her noisy typing and rose from her chair, trembling. "What do you mean, sir?" she demanded weakly.

24 "And you might as well remove the silver box ,” The Thinking Machine continued. "There is no further need of the telephone connection."
“你不妨把这个银匣子拿掉吧。” “思维机器”继续说。“电话联线已无必要了。”
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