

【Page 331~332】【第331~332页】�

Oral Work 口头作业

Answer all the questions on the text.

Written Work 笔头作业

Translate the following passage into English.

格雷森先生是一位成功的商人,他的公司制造工厂用的机器和工具。这些机器和工具很受厂主们的欢迎,销售得很好。最近他发现他的竞争对手对他的销售计划了如指掌(in detail)抢走了他的客户。无论他的推销员到哪里去,总是晚了一步。对手的推销员早已到达,而且报价总要低一些。这种泄密的情况使格雷森先生损失了上百万美元。于是他请来了被称为“思维机器”的侦探,来调查情报是如何从他的办公室泄露出去的。这位侦探问了商人一些问题之后,他就断定是商人的私人秘书把他的计划给出卖了。次日他在她桌子上的一个银匣子里找到了证据(proof)——— 一个电话联线装置。
Mr. Grayson was a successful businessman, his company made machines and tools used in factories. These machines and tools were truly liked by the factory owners and sold well. Recently, he found that his competitors knew his sales plan in detail and stole his customers. Wherever his salesmen went, they were too late. His competitor’s salesmen had already arrived earlier and always gave an offer at a lower price! This information leak cost Mr. Grayson millions of dollars. So he invited a detective known as The Thinking Machine to find out how the information leaked from his office. After the detective asked the businessman some questions, he decided that the businessman's personal secretary had sold his plan. The next day, he found the proof in a silver box on her desk ——— a telephone connection.

Vocabulary Exercises 词汇练习

1. 根据下列构词法规则完成以下练习。
* 动词 +-ion/-ation/-sion/-tion(表示行为、状态或结果)→名词 如:
discussion 讨论 translation 翻译
election 选举 action 活动
expansion 扩张 conclusion 结论
division 划分 decision 决定
continuation 继续 occupation 占据
relaxation 松弛 invitation 邀请
description 描写 reduction 减少
introduction 介绍 attention 注意

(v.) [动词]� (n.)[名词]

1) attract 吸引;引起�
attraction 吸引,吸引力
construct 建造,修建�
construction 建设;建筑物
connect 连接;联系;连结�
connection 联络;连接
complete 完全;完成;结束�
completion 完成,结束;实现
possess 拥有;持有;具有;占有�
possession 拥有;财产;领地
rebel 反叛,造反;违抗,叛逆�
rebellion 叛乱;反抗;谋反
2) educate 教育;教导,培养�
education 教育;培养;教育学
realize 了解,意识到�
realization 实现;领悟
hesitate 犹豫�
hesitation 犹豫
examine 检查,调查;考核,测验;�
examination 考试;考查;检查;查问
combine (使)结合,组合�
combination 结合;组合;联合
produce 引起,造成;生产�
production 成果;产品;生产
3) permit 批准,允许;许可�
permission 允许,许可
【extend】 延伸;扩展;延长�
extension 延长;伸展;(电话)分机
suspend 暂停,中止�
suspension 悬浮;暂停;停职
admit 承认;认错;招认,招供�
admission 承认;进入许可;坦白
converse 谈话,交谈�
conversation 交谈;会话;社交
conversion 转换;变换;[金融] 兑换;改变信仰
prepare 准备;预备;筹备
preparation 预备;准备

【Page 333】【第333页】
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  • 南阳经典文化_x2


  • 南阳经典文化_x2
