


Justin Timberlake and abortion


She wasn't being entirely dishonest, she maintains now. Hernights out were "never as wild as the press made it out to be" andshe "never had any interest in hard drugs". When other musicians weregetting wasted, she stuck to the ADHD medication Adderall.


"[It] made me high, yes, but what I found far moreappealing was that it gave me a few hours of feeling less depressed."


Eventually, however, Spears' innocent image set her up for adownfall.


In one of the book's most harrowing sequences, she talksabout having a medical abortion during her relationship with Justin Timberlake.The pills she had been prescribed left her in agony but the couple were tooscared to visit a hospital in case the news leaked. For hours, Spears wascurled up, "sobbing and screaming" in pain on the bathroom floor.


"Still, they didn't take me to hospital," shesays. Instead Timberlake, "thought music would help, so he got his guitarand lay there with me, strumming it."


 Despite the traumashe went back to work, soldiering on even after Timberlake dumped her by texton the set of a music video.


After their separation, she was vilified in the press, withTimberlake strongly hinting she had cheated on him (she says it was the otherway round, with "one of the girls from All Saints").


Timberlake has yet to respond to his depiction in the book.


The couple's break-up only increased the appetite for gossipabout Spears' personal life. The tabloids hounded her. She recalls aphotographer from People magazine demanding she empty her handbag, so theycould check whether she was carrying drugs or cigarettes.


Eventually, the pressure became too much. In 2007, reelingfrom the death of her aunt Sandra and suffering from post-partum depression,Spears marched into a hair salon, picked up some clippers and cut off her hair.


"Shaving my head was a way of saying to the world:[Expletive] you," she writes.


"I'd been the good girl for years. I'd smiled politelywhile TV show hosts leered at my breasts, while American parents said I wasdestroying their children by wearing a crop top. And I was tired of it."


We all know what happened next. Instead of being seen as anact of strength or rebellion, Spears' buzz-cut was used as evidence ofinstability.


Within a year, she had been placed under the conservatorship.


'Let me go'


Spears is a straightforward writer. She doesn't embellish ordecorate her prose. That matter-of-fact style amplifies the horror of thoseyears.


She talks about being pinned down on hospital stretchers andforced to take medication against her will. At home, she isn't allowed to takea bath in private. Boyfriends are vetted and informed of her sexual historybefore they can go on a date.


At first, she tries to appease her parents and the doctors."If I play along, surely they'll see how good I am and they will let mego," she says.


When she considers rebelling, access to her two young sonsis used as a bargaining chip.


"My freedom in exchange for naps with my children...was a trade I was willing to make," she admits.


But even while she was supposedly incapable of looking afterherself, Spears was sent out on tour, hired as a judge on X Factor and bookedfor a four-year Las Vegas residency.


The singer, who used to collect receipts in a glass bowl inorder to keep track of her taxes, carefully documents the millions everyoneelse made from those engagements, while she was given a strict allowance of$2,000 (£1,635) per week.


Losing all sense of self, she almost gave up.


"The fire inside me burned out," she recalls."The light went out of my eyes."


The turning point comes when a kindly nurse shows herfootage of fans discussing the Free Britney movement.


With renewed courage, she hires a new lawyer and places a911 call reporting herself as a victim of conservatorship abuse.


She's been free for almost two years, but the after-effectswill take years to unpick.


Anger courses through Spears' writing, particularly whendiscussing her father.


She describes Jamie Spears as an alcoholic and a failed businessman;a "reckless" and "cold" figure who pushed his children toohard and was abusive to their mother. (The BBC has contacted Mr Spears forcomment but has yet to receive a response.)


It's impossible to read The Woman In Me and not feel sad andoutraged on Spears' behalf.


One tiny detail of her new life, in particular, emphasiseshow grey her world had become. "Now," she writes, "I get to eatchocolate again".


Spears' story is told with the same approachable warmth thatmade her a star. And, outside the defining events of the last 15 years, shespins a good yarn - whether describing her pregnancy cravings (food and sex,apparently); or reliving her terror at dancing with a snake at the 2001 MTVAwards.


Her family aside, there are no real villains or scandals tobe uncovered. But nor are there any great revelations about Spears' music orinner life.


What we are left with, not for the first time, is acautionary tale about fame and the corrupting influence of money. And, justmaybe, a glimmer of hope for a woman whose adult life has been dictated byothers.


"It's time for me not to be someone who other peoplewant," she writes. "It's time to actually find myself."


