


Britney Spears' book: The Woman In Me is an angry, cautionary tale

Britney Spears knows what it's like to feel trapped: First by poverty, then by fame, then by her family.

She has been subject to scrutiny and ridicule throughout her life. As a teenager, journalists repeatedly asked her questions about her breasts and her sex life. As an adult, she was imprisoned under a conservatorship that stripped her of some of the most basic human rights.
她一生都在遭受审视和嘲笑。 十几岁的时候,记者就不厌其烦地追究她胸部和性生活的问题。 成年后,她被判仍受父亲监管,令她丧失了一些甚至最基本的人权。

For 13 years, she could not see her two sons without approval. Her driving licence was confiscated. She could not choose her meals, and was forbidden from drinking tea or coffee. When she wanted to have a contraceptive intrauterine device (IUD) removed, her request was denied.
13年来,未经批准,她不能与自己的两个儿子见面。 她的驾驶执照被没收。 她无法选择自己的食物,也被禁止喝茶或咖啡。 当她想要取出宫内节育器(IUD)时,她的请求被拒绝了。

That court-imposed order, overseen by her father, was lifted two years ago, when a judge ruled Spears could make her own decisions again.

But her new memoir, The Woman In Me, reveals that was no happy ending.

Britney’s book is tragic, brave and real, say fans

"Migraines are just one part of the physical and emotional damage I have now that I'm out of the conservatorship," she writes. "I don't think my family understands the real damage that they did."
“自从我脱离监管以来,偏头痛只是我所遭受的身体和情感伤害的一部分,”她写道。 “我觉得我的家人并不了解他们造成的真正伤害。”

And for fans hoping to hear new music, she has bad news: "My music was my life, and the conservatorship was deadly for that; it crushed my soul."

Those events cast a shadow over Spears' life story. Along the way, every betrayal and public indignity feels like a step along the path to her eventual incarceration.
这些事件给斯皮尔斯的人生故事蒙上了阴影。 一路走来,每一次背叛和公开侮辱都像是她最终被监禁的一步。

It began as soon as she exploded onto the pop charts in 1998. She was an overnight sensation, but the press refused to believe she had any agency. Her songs were written for her, they noted, while suggesting that her public image was created by creepy, salivating older men.
这一切始于1998 年她登上流行排行榜后。她一夜成名,但媒体拒绝相信她有任何主动参与。 他们指出,她的歌曲是为她写的,同时暗示她的公众形象是由令人一些变态垂涎她身体的年长男人创造的。

The more she was perceived as a product and a pawn of the music industry, the easier it became to erode her autonomy.

In one of the book's most chilling moments, Spears recalls her father telling her he's assumed legal control of her personal and professional affairs.

His words: "I am Britney Spears now."

The early chapters of the book stress how much people underestimated her.

Spears may not have written her music - but when she was given ...Baby One More Time, she stayed up all night to make sure her voice was "fried, and "gravelly", enhancing the song's yearning maturity.

And when it came to shooting the video, the 16-year-old rejected the original pitch - in which she'd have been "a futuristic astronaut " - and insisted on a high school setting with dancing in the corridors, just like Grease.
而在拍摄MV时,这位 16 岁的女孩拒绝了最初的提议——她在其中是“一名未来派宇航员”——并坚持以高中为背景,在走廊里跳舞,就像《油脂》一样。

Both decisions were crucial to the song's success - but no-one was willing to accept a blonde teenager from a Louisiana trailer park could outsmart the collective brilliance of the music industry.

"No-one could seem to think of me as both sexy and capable," she writes. "If I was hot, I couldn't possibly be talented."
“似乎没有人认为我既性感又能干,”她写道。 “如果我很性感,我就不可能有才华。”

Although she exercised creative control behind the scenes, Spears' publicists infantilised her.

She was marketed as a chaste, God-fearing country girl - even though, she writes, she had been a regular smoker since the age of 14 and lost her virginity around the same time.
她被宣传为一位贞洁、敬畏上帝的乡村女孩——然而她写道,她从 14 岁起就经常吸烟,并大约在同一时期失去了童贞。

At first, however, she toed the PR line.

In her previous book, 2000's Heart To Heart (co-written with her mother, Lynne), she maintained: "I am so not the party animal that it's kind of embarrassing. People are like, 'Hey, Brit, come hang out with us,' and I say, 'Thanks, y'all, but no thanks. I'd much rather take a hot bubble bath and get a good night's sleep.'"
在她的上一本书《心连心》(2000 年与她的母亲林恩合着)中,她坚持说:“我不是一个派对动物,这有点尴尬。人们就像是,‘嘿,小甜甜,来和我一起出去玩吧’” 我们,”我说,“谢谢你们,但不用了,谢谢。我宁愿洗个热水澡,然后睡个好觉。”

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