

This was the morning,When Jeremy, fourteen-year-old ,was to begin his duck shooting. He had hated the whole idea ever since his father had bought him a gun and had promised him a trip to this island,But he loved his father and wanted to please him.
They came to the beach,To ease the sense of fear,He took a picture of his father,Then he put the camera aside and picked up the gun,His father said happily,“I've been waiting a long time for this day,I'll bet your shoot,”He leaned forward,Eyes narrowed,“There is a small flight now,Keep your head down,I'll give you the word.”
Jeremy's heart was beating wildly,“No,Don't let them come ,please!”But they came, closer, closer…“Now, take him?Cried his father,Jeremy felt his body obey,He stood up,Leaned into the gun the way his father taught him,In the same distance,The ducks saw the gunners and flared wildly,For second He hung there balanced between life and death,There was no sound,Jeremy stood still ,seizing the gun.
“What happened? why didn't you shoot?”His father said in a controlled voice .The boy didn't answer,His lips were trembling,“Because they were so lovely,”He said and burst into tears,He SAT down,Face buried in his hands and wept. All hope of pleasing his father was gone,He had his chance and he had failed.
For a moment his father was silent,And then he said,“Let's try again”,Jeremy didn't lower his hands,“It's no use, I can't.”
“Harry ,you will miss him. here!”Cold metal touched jeremy,He looked up, unbelieving,His father was handing the camera to him,And said softly,“Quick!”Jeremy stood up and pressed his shutter release button in a flash,“I got him!”His face was bright.
Jeremy saw that there was no disappointment in his father's eyes,Only pride and love,“I'll always love shooting,But that doesn't mean you have to,Sometimes it takes as much courage not to do a thing as to do it”,He paused,“I think you could teach me how to operate that camera.”
