


Elementary‐Intermediate‐I’m Sorry I love You IV (C0045) 

A: ... so, I said, ”let’s take a break .” And since that night, I’ve been waiting for him to call, but I still haven’t heard from him. You don’t think he’s seeing someone else, do you? 

B: Come on, don’t be so dramatic! I’m sure everything is going to work out just fine. 

A: You think so? Oh, no! How can he do this to me? I’m sure he’s cheating on me! Why else wouldn’t he call? 

B: But, you two are on a break. Theoretically he can do whatever he likes. 

A: He’s the love of my life! I’ve really messed this up. 

B: Come on, hon. Pull yourself together. It’s going to be alright. 

A: But I... I still love him! And it’s all my fault! I can’t believe how immature and selfish I was being. I mean, he is a firefighter, it’s not like he can just leave someone in a burning building and meet me for dinner. I’ve totally messed this up! 

B: You know what, Veronica, I think you should make the first step. I’m sure he’ll forgive you... 

A: No, this is not gonna happen! I... I’ve ruinedeverything.... 

B: Hey... do you hear something? Guess what? It’s your lovely firefighter! 

C: When I had you, I treated you bad and wrong dear. And since, since you went away, don’t you know I sit around with my head hanging down and I wonder who’s loving you. 

  • 叁醒学

    dramatic 戏剧性的 cheating on 不忠,欺骗,出轨 mess this up 把这个搞杂 pull someone together 使…冷静下来 immature不成熟 selfish自私 make the first step迈出第一步 treated someone bad对某人不好

  • 人间正道Harvey

    I accidentally ruined the the Turkey by leaving it In the oven to long.

  • 人间正道Harvey

    It's not like you can just insult me and then expected me to not feel bad. It's not like we can just use our saving on this trip. We have to think about the future. You spilled red wine on my shirt. You ruined it. We were having such a nice day at the park. And then you ruined it by arguing with me.

  • 人间正道Harvey

    This is no time to panic. Pull yourself together. You have to pull yourself together and solve your problem. Calm down. Pull yourself together, get out there and score a goal. It's not like I can just leave my office When I want. My boss will fire me.

  • 人间正道Harvey

    Peter asked me to be his girlfriend, but I'm seeing someone. So I have to say no. If you're not seeing anyone, I would like to ask you out to dinner. They got a divorce because mary cheated on her husband. I cheated on my girlfriend one time, but she never will find out about it.

    人间正道Harvey 回复 @人间正道Harvey: found

  • 人间正道Harvey

    Serious long term boyfriend or girlfriend?~ Partner. Former boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife.~ex Romantic social life.~ Love life. Don't worry. It's not so serious.~ It's not the end of the world. I think that Carl is seeing someone from the office.

  • 人间正道Harvey

    Acting in a childish way.…~ Immature. Having or showing concern only for yourself and not the needs or feelings of other people.~ Selfish. Damage destroys something.~ Ruin. End a relationship.~ Break up. End the relationship when the other person doesn't not want to.~ Dump someone.

  • 人间正道Harvey

    Dating or going out with someone.~ Seeing someone. Having a romantic relationship with someone who is not your husband or wife, boyfriend or girlfriend.~ Cheat on someone. A relationship that is temporarily on hold.~ On a break. Calm down, relax. Organize your thoughts.~ Pull yourself together.

  • 听友220733730