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EnglishPod (适合中高级英语学习者,初级学习者 ESL pod 由于版权问题移步公众号领取)

Englishpod是一家公司叫做Praxis Language推出的收费讲座,相比较ESLPod, EnglishPod为常速。Englishpod极具趣味性,两位主持人Marco和Amira的讲解很生动幽默(我太爱男主的声音和笑声了,好可爱),完全有别于新概念类型听力的乏味。同时,Englishpod分了不同的难度级别,基础较差可以先选择B级和C级。

B-Elementary 初级 
C-Intermediate 中级 
D-Upper Intermediate 中高级 
E-Advance 高级 

  • zero为你读诗


    Miss英语笔记 回复 @zero为你读诗: 是 这一部分没放 因为都是前面讲过的 后面慢慢补充

  • 1385303cwcx

    seeing someone cheat on someone on a break pull yourself together immature selfish ruin break up Dump someone partner ex a love life It’s not the end of the world

  • 听友88905948


  • 妞妞192821348


    Miss英语笔记 回复 @妞妞192821348: 好厉害 继续加油

  • 东山道然客

    pull yourself together*everything is going to be fine&everything is going to work out just fine&don't be so immature and selfish.&seeing someone &cheat on &on a break &mess up&ruin everything

  • EnglishPodLearner
  • 1851380karx

    7 It's not like we can just use all our savings on this trip. We have to think about the future. 🍉ruin You spilled red wine on my shirt.You ruined it. We're having such nice day at the park and then you ruin it by arguing with me. I accidently ruined the turkey by leaving it in the oven too long.

  • 1851380karx

    6 You have to pull yourself together and solve your problem. Calm down. Pull yourself together. Get out there and score go. It's not like I can just leave my office whenever I want. My boss'll fire me. It's not like you can just insult me and expect me to fear them.

  • 1851380karx

    5 My friend went to the cinema yeasterday and found his girlfriend there cheating on him with another guy. I cheated on my girlfriend one time, but she never found out about it. 🍉pull yourself together This is no time to be panic. Pull yourself together .

  • 妞妞192821348
