英国下议院院长约翰·伯考 | 女王登基60周年际致辞

英国下议院院长约翰·伯考 | 女王登基60周年际致辞



  • 陈府公子Childe

    P20:On behalf of all the members of the House of Commons, may I thank You wholeheartedly for all that You have done, are doing and will do for the good of our country.我谨代表下议院全体成员想全心全意地感谢您,致敬那些您为我们国家利益所做过的,正在做的,还有即将做的。

  • 陈府公子Childe

    P3:Time is better preserved in this historic place than in fallible human memory. Time also tells its own story. 时光会在这个载入史册的地方封存,而世人的记忆难免会有偏差。时光也在讲述自己的故事。

  • 陈府公子Childe

    P10:Your singular accomplishment. Your unique capacity, to hold together that which could have been torn asunder. 您杰出的成就,您出众的能力,就是把那可能支离破碎的东西紧密联系在一起。

  • 陈府公子Childe

    P11:You have moved with the times and allowed the times to move around the rest of society.This is a different Britain from 1952, but not one detached from then.您一直与时俱进,也顺应时代,使新变化在社会各个角落蔓延开来。现在与1952年的英国境况不同,但建立在此前的基础上。

  • 陈府公子Childe

    P8:Youhave dedicated Your life to others.The daily example that You set,mirrored by our courageous armed forces of which You are Commander-of-Chief is extraordinary.在过去的六十年间您将生命致力于服务他人。您每日以身作则,设立标杆。由您统帅的英勇三军是真实写照,这无疑是非凡成就。

  • 陈府公子Childe

    P6:(英文文本通不过审核) 六十年前,一个新的“伊丽莎白时代”正在前方欣然等待,同时也被眼前无限挑战引发的不确定性所笼罩。

  • 陈府公子Childe

    P1: Most Gracious Sovereign: We your faithful Commons are honoured to be here to commemorate and celebrate the 60 years of Your reign. 最尊敬的女王陛下:​ 作为您忠实的下议院成员, 我们深感荣幸前来参加您登记六十周年的几年庆祝典礼。

  • 陈府公子Childe

    P15:This gathering is one of many diverse events across these islands in tribute to You and this great anniversary. 这次典礼是横跨这些岛屿的众多盛事之一,以此向您和这个伟大的60周年纪念致敬。

  • 陈府公子Childe

    P13:regardless of how they live, how they look or how they love. This is a nation of many races, faiths and customs, beginning now to be reflected in Parliament. 不受他们生活水平,外表长相或恋爱方式影响。这是个拥有多种族,信仰和习俗的国家,这点在议会中逐渐呈现。

  • 陈府公子Childe

    P12:We are in so many ways a much bigger, brighter and better United Kingdom. This is a land where men and women today are equal under the law and where Your people are respected, 我们国家在各方面都变得更强大,更光明也更美好。如今这里是一片法律赋权,男女平等的土地。