I would like to make a personal statement to the House. At the 2017 election I promised my wife and children, that it would be my last. This is a pledge that I intend to keep.
If the House votes tonight for an early General Election, my tenure as Speaker and MP will end when this Parliament ends. If the House does not so vote, I have concluded that, the least disruptive and most democratic course of action would be for me stand down at the close of business on Thursday, 31 October.
Least disruptive because that date will fall shortly after the votes on the Queen's speech, expected on 21 and 22 October. The week also after that may be quite lively, and it would be best to have an experienced figure in the Chair for that short period.
Most democratic, because it will mean that a ballot is held when all Members have some knowledge of the candidates. This is far preferable to a contest at the beginning of a Parliament when new MPs will not be similarly informed, and may find themselves vulnerable to undue institutional influence. We would not want anyone to be whipped senseless, would we?
Throughout my time as Speaker, I have sought to increase the relative authority of this legislature, for which I will make absolutely no apology to anyone, anywhere, at any time. To deploy a perhaps dangerous phrase, I have also sought to be the backbencher's backstop.
I could not do so without the support of a small but superb team in Speaker's House, the wider House staff, my Buckingham constituents, and above all my wife, Sally, and our three children, Oliver, Freddy and Jemima.
From the bottom of my heart, I thank them all profusely. I could also not have served without the repeated support of this House, and its Members past and present. This is a wonderful place filled overwhelmingly by people, who are motivated by their notion of the national interest by their perception of the public good, and by their duty, not as delegates, but as representatives, to do what they believe is right for our country.
We degrade this Parliament at our peril. I have served as a Member of Parliament for 22 years, and for the last 10 as Speaker. This has been, let me put it explicitly, the greatest privilege and honour of my professional life, for which I will be eternally grateful. I wish my successor in the Chair the very best fortune, in standing up for the rights of Hon. and Right Hon. Members individually and for Parliament institutionally as the Speaker of the House of Commons. Thank you.
任意剥夺议会尊严,这是极其危险的。我任下议院议员已有22年,近10年来一直担任议长。我发自肺腑地说一句,这是我职业生涯中,无上的荣光,至上的荣耀。我会毕生心怀感恩。 希望我的继任者,未来一切顺利。望其作为下议院议长,坚定捍卫每一位议员的权利,坚定捍卫议会的权威与尊严。谢谢。
生物猫米亚米亚 回复 @爱你艾斯玲: 领导人演讲都这样,毕竟要注意听众,注意强调点~
有很多不是英音,不过把赫本拉进来我倒喜欢得紧,还好我虽然说不来英音,倒也没有这里清朝公主典型的中式发音,回想起来,曾经觉得不错的几位英语老师们口语都好差。 搜集资料的人,表扬表扬,喜马拉雅要感谢这些人。 不过不贪心,大不了财,有钱人要先明白自己先是美德了了才发财的。