04 David and his aunt(2)

04 David and his aunt(2)


I sat down on the pavement and cried. Now I had lost ev-erything I owned in the world, and had no money for the coach fare to Dover.In the end I decided I would have to walk there, and I started the long journey. It took me six days to cover the hundred kilometres, as I got tired very easily, and had to rest.I sold my jacket for a shilling,so that I could buy bread and milk on the way,and at night I slept in disused farm buildings or under trees.Sometimes I was afraid of the dangerous-looking beggars and thieves I met on the road,but I knew I had to keep going.As I walked,I thought of my mother's gentle,pretty face.I felt sure she would approve of what I was doing,and that encouraged me to continue.

  • Liriodendron_Daniel