04 David and his aunt(6)

04 David and his aunt(6)


And so they washed me,and gave me clean clothes and deli cious food.While I was eating,my aunt stared at me,occa sionally whispering‘Good heavens!’to herself.When she could see that I felt better,she asked me question after ques tion,and I told her the story of my life.
  ‘Good heavens!’she said again,when I had finished.‘Why did your poor mother marry again?What a terrible mis take!’
  ‘Perhaps she was in love,’suggested Mr Dick,smiling his rather foolish smile.
  ‘In love!’said Miss Betsey crossly.‘Perhaps the poor silly girl thought she was in love!But now,Mr Dick,another question.What should we do with the boy?’
  ‘Well—'said Mr Dick,thinking.Then an idea suddenly came to him.‘You should put him to bed!’
‘Thank you again,Mr Dick,for your common sense!’said my aunt happily.‘Janet,put the boy to bed!’

  • Jiang_Daniel


  • Liriodendron_Daniel