04 David and his aunt(9)

04 David and his aunt(9)


  Several days later,I was looking out of the sitting-room window when I saw Mr and Miss Murdstone riding into my aunt's garden.My aunt had seen them too,and hurried out,waving her umbrella angrily at them and shouting.‘Go away!Don't ride on my grass!Who do you think you are?Go away,I tell you!’
  ‘Aunt!’I cried out.‘They're Mr and Miss Murdstone!’
‘I don't care!’she shouted.‘Nobody is allowed to ride on my grass!’And she went back into her house,banging the door behind her.The Murdstones had to lead their horses out of the garden,and then return to ring the doorbell.They looked very uncomfortable and unsure of themselves.Janet showed them into the sitting-room,where my aunt,Mr Dick and I were waiting.

  • Jiang_Daniel


  • Liriodendron_Daniel