

Elementary ‐ Turn left here! (B0016)<br> A: Hurry up, get in.<br> B: I’m in, let’s go!<br> A: OK, make a left here. . . no wait, I meant make a right. Come on, speed up!<br> B: Geez! What’s the rush?<br> A: Don’t worry about it, just drive. Oh, no, the light is about to change. . . step on it!<br> B: Are you nuts! I’m not going to run a red light!<br> A: Whatever. Just turn right here. . . .The freeway will be packed at this hour. . . .let’s take a side street. Go on! Get out of our way! Move, move!<br> B: What’s your problem! Geez. Having a fit is not going to help!<br> A: Here, I know a short cut....just go down here, and we’ll cut though Ashburn Heights. Let’s go, let’s go! Watch out for that lady!<br> B: I’m going as fast as I can!<br> A: Yes! We made it. 5:58, just before the library closes.<br> B: You’re such a geek!
  • 敏于行_iu

    1 step on it: drive faster 2 speed up: go faster, the opposite is slow down. 3 Having a fit: get real angry and can’t control emotion. 4 cut through: go through quickly 5 short cut: take a short way somewhere.

    听友99074465 回复 @敏于行_iu: 请问 the freeway will be packed 是什么意思

  • 敏于行_iu

    6 make a left/right: turn left/right  make a you turn: turn the car 180 degrees all they around 7 Are you nuts = Are you crazy/mad/insane 8 Let’s take a side street: suggest the road or suggest the direction. eg. Let’s take Wilson Revenue. 9 rush匆忙 geek反常的人 freeway高速公路 side street边道

    听友37598517 回复 @敏于行_iu: make a U turn

  • 天地之间007523


    听友205790942 回复 @天地之间007523: 感谢。刚接触可理解输入,来找EN pod,受益匪浅。

  • 听友59377130

    cut through拼错了,拼成cut though了

  • BeckAnibol

    Step on it speed up go faster .The opposite is slow down .Having a fit it means you get really angry Cut Through means go through sth quickly Short cut means to take a short way Are you nut ?Are you mad crazy insane?Let's take a side street

  • 听友43260894

  • mikechenqi777


    一个0级初学者 回复 @mikechenqi777: 什么群,拉我进去下呗

  • Bryan_Jiang


    听友445505169 回复 @Bryan_Jiang: 同意

  • 益纳里

    只有我一个人觉得读的是make up/吗?虽然应该是make a left/right

  • 蓝天白云_9cn

    You want to get married now? Are you nuts? You only met her three weeks ago. Are you nuts? I'm not going to cheat on the exam. What if I get caught?