

Elementary ‐The Weekend ‐ Christmas Chronicles II (C0022)<br> A: Really, fellows, you can’t take me to jail! Don’t you know who I am? Kris Kringle, you know, Papa Noel, Pere Noel, Babbo Natale, sheng dan lao ren!<br> B: Yeah, Yeah, we’ve heard that one before, haven’t we Joe?<br> C: Yeah, last week we booked this guy who claimed to be the tooth fairy! Can you believe that?<br> A: It’s Christmas Eve and I have all these Presents to deliver! Where is your Christmas spirit? What will happen when all the children wake up tomorrow and don’t find any gifts in their stockings?<br> B: Sorry buddy, you were parked in a no-parking zone, you were speeding, and you have no ID!<br> C: Besides that, even if we let you go now, your sleigh has been impounded and those reindeer were taken to the city zoo.<br> A: What! This is unbelievable! What’s the world coming to? Christmas is ruined!<br> C: What’s that up ahead? It looks like... Elves!! Whoa, they’re shooting candy canes! Mayday, Mayday, we are under heavy attack! We need backup!
  • 控_n1

    听到了圣诞老人 当时就愣了

    RagazzaBeautyful 回复 @控_n1: 我也是!

  • 敏于行_iu

    1 Elves (elf) are little people  2 Candy king is a traditional Christmas candy.  3 booked: arrested; reindeer:驯鹿;canes:手杖,魔杖;  backup: help 4 speeding: going too fast over the speed limit 5 impounded: Your car is arrested, the car is in car jail. 6 ruined: destroyed, messed up

    听友58891553 回复 @敏于行_iu: Candy cane

  • azure_bq


  • 奈世

    A:真的,伙计们,你们不能把我送进监狱!你不知道我是谁吗?Kris Kringle,你知道,爸爸诺埃尔,Pere Noel,Babbo Natale,生丹·老任! 是啊,是啊,我们以前听过这个,不是吗,乔? C:是啊,上周我们订了这个自称是牙仙的家伙!你能相信吗? A:今天是平安夜,我有这些礼物要送!你的圣诞精神在哪里?当所有的孩子们明天醒来,在他们的袜子里找不到礼物时,会发生什么? B:对不起,伙计,你停在一个无停车区,你超速了,没有身份证

    等等的熊妮妮 回复 @奈世: 超厉害,你这是听一遍就听出来的吗

  • 敏于行_iu

    7 we booked this guy who claimed to bait too spirybe the tooth fairy.  The claim is not true. 8 we are’ll under heavy attack.  Under heavy security.

    敏于行_iu 回复 @自然_ox9: we booked this guy who claimed to be the tooth fairy。原来是乱码了

  • 听友56217025


    13602312mah 回复 @听友56217025: backup没读好

  • Jennica_Show


  • 我是一个大圈圈

    1.elf, elves 2.candy canes 3.booked,arrested 4.speeding, drive too fast 5.impounded 6.ruined,destroyed, messed up 7.backup 8.sb claim to be sth/do 9.under heavy attack/security/fire

  • 不再羡仙


  • 宋唱唱


    暖暖吖6688 回复 @宋唱唱: 坚持听,加油!