Bring your belly to the top of the thighs and slowly when you are ready,roll up Tucking the chin . 腹部贴大腿,下巴微收。
️Standing up nice and tall mountain pose. Inhale,spread your fingertips and as you breathe in reach for the sky.
五指张开,吸气,双手自体侧高举过头顶。 Exhale,rain it down.Forward fold. 呼气,身体向下,站立体前屈。 Inhale,halfway lift.身体抬到一半,半前屈。 Find length in the neck.感受颈部拉长。 Exhale to soften and bow.
You’re gonna step or you can hop it back to plank. 你可以后撤一步,也可以后跳来到平板支撑。 Strong and steady. 保持身体稳定,核心收紧。 Now turn on to the outer edge of your right foot in the inner arch of your left foot. 现在右脚外侧和左脚内侧放在地上。 You’re gonna press away from your yoga mat and reach your left fingertips all the way up towards the sky. 身体和瑜伽垫形成对抗的力,眼睛看向左手指尖延长线。 Lift your right hip all the way up,up,up. 右臀向上,保持向上,向上。 Take one more breath.保持一组。 Exhale,come back through center. 呼气,回到中心 Plank pose and then take it to the other side. 平板支撑,然后反方向做一次。