

Striking that balance is the real secret to winning the game of thrones ,in Westeros and elsewhere.
Mr. Mrtin,you are known as a merciless writer
Personally theses guys will not forget you for the death of Eddard Stark,so why you should do this ?Why you not spare him?why?why?
Long before I was a writer I was a reader(在成为作者之前的很长一段时间里,我是个读者)
And I think as a writer,I writer books that I would want to read(作为一个作者,我想写出自己愿意读的书)
As a reader,what I came to hate very early in my life was books that were predicable.(而作为读者,从很小的时候起,我就讨厌猜得到结局的书)
We've all read them ,you started a book,you read the first chapter,(这种书我们都读过,翻开一本书,读了第一章)
you don't need to read the rest,you know exactly what going to happen(不用读剩下的,你就知道要发生什么)
He is a hero,he is the villain,the hero is going to be in trouble for a while,but he's going to triumph.(他是好人,他是坏人,好人会暂时身陷困境,但最终会取得胜利。)
There may be incidents are seeming danger,but there is no real danger to the hero.(会有看起来很危险的情况,但对助教来首不存在真真的威胁)
I don't like to read books like that.(我不喜欢读这样的书)
I like books that surpise me,shork me ,and take to me to unexpected directions,books that invoke my emotions,scary me or excite me or thrill me. (我喜欢给我惊喜,让我震惊,领我走向意想不到剧情的书,能刺激我的情绪,让我害怕,激动或者紧张的书。)
That's what I want my books to be for the readers.(我希望对于我的读者来说,我写的是这样的书)
When a character is in trouble or a chareacter is in a danger,I want the reader to feel scared to feel that tension and excitemant
Will this character get out of the danger?他到底能不能顺利脱线呢
I think the only way to do that is to kill someone important and unexpectedly right off.
Then they know that you're playing for real.

Then they know that this book is a book where anything can happen
And if danger looms ,the character might not survive it.(危险逼近的时候,角色很可能会挂掉)
So that's why I kill Eddard Stark.(这就是为什么我把奈德给杀了)
It was always planned and intended that death threat right from the beginning.
So that the children could come to the forefront and carry on with the story.(好让孩子们站出来,继续故事线)

