第198节:Sad or Depressed-Doctor and Friend(和医生及朋友的对话)

第198节:Sad or Depressed-Doctor and Friend(和医生及朋友的对话)


Things to say to a doctor

"I'm always depressed for no reason."
"I suffer from depression constantly."
"I'm always depressed and I don't know why."

Depression can be so bad that suicidal thoughts can arise. That's what doctors are there for and they can really help. But it is important to let someone know about how you feel.

"I'm so depressed that I don't know if it's worth living any longer."
"Can you do anything to help my depression?"

If a friend talks to you about these things, here are some sentences you can say.

"It's not your fault and this is pretty serious. I think you should go see a doctor. I can go with you."
"I think a doctor can really help your situation. We should go in and talk to one."
"You know they have medication to help depression. I'll help you look into it. What do you say?"

