



Directions: InSection A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At theend of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Theconversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear aconversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on yourpaper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you haveheard. 

1. A. A teacher.                   B.A doctor.                C. A policeman.              D. A boss.

2. A. Worried.                    B.Anxious.                C. At ease.                     D. Excited.

3. A. He plays the violin very well.                        B.He was surprisedby the woman’s skills.

C. He never knewthe woman before.                 D. Hewill win the competition.

4. A. The ticket is still expensive.                          B.The ticket is very cheap.

C. He is jealous ofthe girl.                               D.He doesn’t want to buy the ticket.

5. A. They are talking about a song.                       B.They are talking about an opera.

C. They are talkingabout a film.                       D.They are talking about a novel.

6. A. She doesn’t like basketball.

B. Shethinks there is no valuable player.

C. Shedoesn’t want to talk with the man.

D. Sheis disappointed with their basketball team.

7. A. She thinks the man disturbs her.                    B.The man is out of luck.

C. The onlyposition was occupied yesterday.      D.She wants the man called her yesterday.

8. A. They will have a date.                                  B.They will go shopping together.

C. They will attendclass in the school.               D. Theywill play badminton together.

9. A. They have enough time to finish this work.

B. They are unluckyto do this big assignment.

C. He doesn’t thinkit’s a big assignment.

D. He will notstart working on this task until next month.

10. A. On Monday.             B.On Saturday.          C. On Thursday.             D. On Sunday.

Section B

Directions: In Section B, you will heartwo passages and one longer conversation, and you will be asked several questionson each of the passage and the conversation. The passages and the conversationwill be read twice,but thequestion will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the fourpossible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to thequestion you have heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. 

11. A. The pizzas become cold when they reach you.

B. Thepizzas need a long time to deliver.

C. Thepizzas need a long time to cook.

D. Ittakes too much manpower to make pizzas.

12. A. 10 minutes.              B. 20 minutes.            C.Half an hour.              D. An hour.

13. A. Online shopping can stimulate consumption.

B.Working together with robots can improve our efficiency.

C. Weshould take the good use of the fragmented time.

D. Thepizza house improved the speed of making pizzas.

Questions 14 through 16 arebased on the following passage.

14. A. Because the workforce is not well-trained.

B.Because supermarkets don’t have the space to add more checkout lines.

C.Because their security systems is never upgraded.

D.Because there are always many interruptions.

15. A. We should make sure that each customer has a checkout counters.

B.Another line is always moving faster than yours.

C. Thechances of your line being the quickest is lower.

D. Weare in bad luck if we choose the slowest line.

16. A. How can we choose the fastest line when we check out.

B. Wecan beat the system if given the chance

C.Queueing theory can provide an explanation to checkout at the store.

D. Morecomplex problems are passed up to people with more training.

Questions 17 through 20 arebased on the following conversation.

17. A. She will talk with George and help him out.

B. Shewill take George to consult a psychologist.

C. Shewill take George to play baseball.

D. Shewill help George to get the promotion.

18. A. He thinks George is good at cooking.

B. Hethinks George will be fine.

C. Hethinks George needs to consult a psychologist.

D. Hethink George is a sentimental man.

19. A. George just wanted to stay alone.

B.George’s favorite basketball team was lost in the game.

C.George was crossed in love recently.

D.George didn’t get the promotion he was promised.

20. A. Maggie loves Jack very much.

B.Maggie is George’s sister.

C.Maggie takes George and Jake like a family.

D.Maggie is not optimistic at all.


1. M: Good morning. Please have a seat here. What's the problem?
  W: I've taken the pills as you instructed, but I still keep sneezing.
Q: What is most probably the man?
2.W: Jane was reported missing yesterday, but it turned out to be a false alarm.
  M: Great! You can't imagine how worried I was yesterday.
Q: How is the man feeling now?
3.W: I never fancy you playing the violin so wonderfully.
M: Thanks. This year's competition is just around the corner. 
Q: What can we learn about the man?
4.W: Don't you think the ticket is cheaper for this week's ballet show?
M: Cheaper? Maybe for you.
Q: What does the man mean?
5.W: The rhythm is slow and weird. Who on earth wrote it?
    M: Hmm... I'm in the dark as much as you are.
Q: What are the speakers most probably talking about?
6.M: What do you think of our most valuable player of this year?
W: I don’t want to talk about our basketball team. Every time I thought we would win, I was discouraged.
Q: What does the woman mean?
7.M: Is the position you mentioned last month still vacant?
W: If only you had asked me yesterday! You always have bad timing.
Q: What does the woman imply?
8.M: I’m taking a badminton class this afternoon. Do you want to go with me?
W: Why not? I need to do some exercise to lose weight.
Q: What are the speakers most probably going to do this afternoon?
9.W: Wow, that’s a big assignment we’ve got for the project. 
M: Wow, it’s not as bad as it looks. It isn’t due until next month. 
Q: What does the man imply? 
10.W: Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the nearest Bank of China?
M: It’s over there, but it’s open on weekdays only. You’d better go the day after tomorrow.
Q: On what day does the conversation most probably take place?

Section B
Directions: In Section B, you will hear two passages and one longer conversation, after each passage or conversation, you will be asked several questions, the passage and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following talk.
   When you order a pizza online, it goes through quite a journey before arriving at your door, from kitchen oven to warming counter to the backseat of a car. That is why it can be only slightly warm by the time you take your first bite. A pizza house in new York has fixed that. Its secret weapons are robots. After a customer places an order online, the request comes into its central kitchen at its headquarters. There, robots and a few humans staff start preparing the pizza. Each robot has a name and a duty, like spraying the source, or putting the pizzas into the oven. Each pizza is baked first for 90 seconds in an 800 degree oven. Then, the half baked pizza is loaded into one of the mobile ovens in the truck. Another robot takes over the task of loading and reloading the pizza into the truck’s oven. When the truck is four minutes away from its destination, the oven containing the order will turn on to finish cooking the pizza. Thanks to the assistance of robots, delivery orders take an average of 20 minutes, 10 minutes less than before. The pizzas are hot when they reach you.
11. What problem has the pizza house in New York solved?
12. On average how long did it take the pizza house to deliver an order in the past? 
13. What can we learn about the pizza house?

Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following talk.

The next time you end up on the slowest moving queue at the supermarket, don’t blame your bad luck anymore. 
According to queuing theorists, mathematicians who predict queue lengths and waiting times, you are not alone in such an unpleasant situation. Queuing theory explains why there’s probably no way you can always be in the fastest line. The explanation goes something like this. A supermarket tries to have enough checkout counters open to get all their customers through with minimum delay. Despite the well-trained workforce and ever upgrading security systems, there are always going to be busy periods. Because supermarkets don’t have the physical space to add more checkout lines during these busier times, their system becomes overloaded. One small interruption, such as a price check or a chatty customer, results in a chain of reactions to affect the entire line behind them. If there are three lines at a store, these delays will happen randomly at different checkout counters. The chances of your line being the quickest are only one in three, so you are not just imagining it. Another line probably is moving faster than yours. 

14.According to the passage, why are there long queues in supermarkets during busy hours?
15.What does queuing theory try to tell us?
16.What is the passage mainly about?

Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.
W: Jake, I want to talk to you about our little brother, George. 
M: What's the matter with him? 
W: I’m worried about him. We must do something. He's been in low spirits for weeks. 
M: Come on, Maggie. You know George. He's changeable like the weather. He could be laughing next week. 
W: Jake, he's our brother. And we are supposed to be there for him, aren't we? 
M: Yes, but you know how independent he is. We can't help him if he doesn't want it, can we?
W: Well, I feel guilty. He is family after all. We mustn't ignore problems in the family or they will just get bigger. 
M: Do you want me to encourage him to consult a psychologist?
W: No, you don't have to do that. But he should talk about things with people that he knows. 
M: Yes, he should. He keeps all things inside. 
W: Exactly! Just talking will help him so much. 
M: He's very unhappy about not getting the promotion he was promised. 
W: Of course. We should get George to know every cloud has a silver lining. 
M: You think?
W: Well, he can't get any better chance in his terrible apartment, can he? Watching baseball 24 hours a day? 
M: Basketball. 
W: Please, Jake. I hate to see George like that. Do something next week. You must get him out of that apartment. Get him doing something new. 
M: I'll do it. I hope you'll help me like if the same thing happens to me. 
W:You bet! We are family. 

17.What is Maggie trying to do? 
18.What does Jake think of George?
19.What happened to George? 
20.What can be concluded about Maggie from the conversation?

