



Directions: In SectionA,you willhearten short conversations between two speakers. At theendof each conversation, a question will beaskedabout what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken onlyonce. Afteryouheara conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers onyourpaper,anddecide whichoneis the best answer to the question you haveheard.

1. A By the shuttle bus B. By a friend's private car

C By the subway D. By a shared bike.

2、A. Academic problems. B. The man's university tour

C. A Weekend travel plan D. The man's tour to a lake

3. A. The lady will go hiking next week

B. The lady took her kitten to the clinic last week

C. The man cares about the woman.

D. The man didn't go hiking last week.

4. A. He wants to travel to Shanghai.

B. He has found a suitable job.

C. He graduated last month.

D. His hometown may be Nantong

5. A. Silent B.Crazy          C.Relieved.      D. Depressed

6 A. He wants the house to have a garage and a garden.

B. He just wants a space to sunbathe in his house.

C.He wants to buy a villa.

D.He likes European style decoration

7 A. He is crazy about reading

B. He likes the decoration style of the library 

C. He is a knowledgeable college student

D. He is a librarian

8 A. She likes similar car models.

B. She promised a refund within a week

C. She encouraged the man to buy the model car

 D She has sold a lot of cars

9. A.He wants to leave the company

B. He is the project leader of the company

C. He thinks their hard work will be wasted

D.He will announce the progress of the project

10. A. His child came home late and had no food

B. He has spared some food for his child.

C.The whole family waited the child came back for dinner

D. He was very angry with his child's behavior.

Section B

Directions: In Section B, you will hear two passages and passage or conversation, you will be asked several questions will be read twice, but the question will be spoken only one the four possible answers on your paper and decide which o you have heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage

11.A. Negative effects of eating too many snacks

B. The differences between snacks and meals.

C. Strategies of avoiding eating too many snacks before meals.

D. Healthy ways of having meals.

12. A Avoid eating things between meals.

B. Eat as much fruit as possible.

C. Eat food like toast shortly before dinner to help with digestion.

D. Have a cup of yogurt in the afternoon.

13.A. To control the amount of snacks you eat

B. To make it healthier.

C. To help you focus on the main event

D. To help you know what exactly you are eating

Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.

14. A. 3,000 billion trees.B. 400 billion trees.

C.50 million trees.D. 15 billion trees.

15.A.Russia has always ranked first in the number of trees.

B.Trees would be gone in the future at current removal rate.

C.People will plant trees on the cultivated land.

D.It is impossible to calculate the total number of trees

16. A. To stop people from building houses endlessly.

B.To draw people's attention to the importance of trees.

C.To call on people to protect the homes of wild animals.

D.To attract people to study the growth environment of trees

Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.

17. A. Personal travel plan.B. Travel

C. Party dress.D. Organization of work

18. A. Jerry will travel by high-speed rail

B. Jerry is Helen's cousin.

C. Jerry's parents live in Nanjing

D. Jerry is resting in his apartment now

19. A. She knows the boss there

B. She booked the table a month earlier.

C. Her friend works in this restaurant

D. She has a noble status.

20. A. Going for a picnic in the forest park.

B. Resting in the apartment.

C. Going to the Domingo restaurant for dinner.

D. Going to Shanghai Museum


Section A

Directions InSection A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At theend of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Theconversations and the questions will be spoken only once After you hear aconversation and the question about it, read the tour possible answers on yourpaper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1.M: Would you like me to give you a ride to the airport The subway system has brokendown.

W:It's very kind of you, but there is a shuttle service.

Q:How will the woman most probably get to the airport?

KEY WORDS AND PHRASES: there is a shuttle service.

2.W: I heard you made a tour of Pearl Lake university last Sunday.

M:Yes, we arrived at 8 o'clock, and then two senior students showed us around thecampus. We were deeply impressed.

Q:What are the speakers mainly talking about?

KEY WORDS AND PHRASES: a tour of Pearl Lake university

3.W: I missed the hiking last week I had to take my kitten to the clinic.

M:What a pity! Is she all right now?

Q:What can be learned from the conversation?

KEY WORDS AND PHRASES: 该题为信息推断题,需对整个对话中的至少三个细节信息有所把握;missed the hiking last week;take my kitten to the clinic;What a pity!

4.W: Are you going back to Nantong after graduation next month?

M:1 think so. After I graduate. I'll go back home and try to get a job there.

Q:What can be learned about the man?

KEY WORDS AND PHRASES: go back to Nantong and try to get a job there.

5.M: Have you got any news about the mountain climbers?

W:Yes. The rescue team found them? Thank goodness. They survived the cold.

Q:How does the woman most probably feel?

KEY WORDS AND PHRASES: Thank goodness.

6.W: Do you have any idea of our future house? For me, I don't particularly carewhether it has got a garden or a garage.

M:Me, neither. I need just a little bit of space to sit out in when it’s warm.

Q:What does the man mean?

KEY WORDS AND PHRASES: 该题为信息推断题,需对整个对话中的至少两个细节信息有所把握;he also doesn't particularlycare whether it has got a garden or a garage; need just a little bit of spaceto sit out in when it’s warm.

7.M: So you want to turn this room into a mini library?

W:Yes. My son is a keen reader.

Q:What can be learned about the woman’s son?

KEY WORDS AND PHRASES: My son is a keen reader.

8.M: I am wondering whether I should buy this model car. I already have a verysimilar one.

W:I see no reason not to. You are entitled to a refund within a week if you don'tlike it.

Q:What does the woman imply?

KEY WORDS AND PHRASES: 该题为信息推断题,需完全理解这名女子所说的话;I see no reason not to;You are entitledto a refund within a week if you don'tlike it.

9.W: You know what?. The boss announced that the project we've been working onwill be abandoned.

M:So, our 8 months hard work just goes down the drain.

Q:What does the man mean?

KEY WORDS AND PHRASES: our 8 months hard work just goes down the drain.

down the drain: a. if time, effort, ormoney goes down the drain, it is wasted or produces no results〔时间、努力或金钱〕白白浪费掉;

10.W: Sorry, dad. I'm home late.

M:We've all had our supper, but I've set aside a bite for you.

Q:What does the man mean?

KEY WORDS AND PHRASES: I've set aside abite for you

Section B

Directions:In Section B, you will hear two passages and a longer conversation, and youwill be asked several questions on each of the passages and the conversation.The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the question will bespoken only once When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on yourpaper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.

Can’t resist picking fromthe fridge or cupboard before dinner? A little cheese, some biscuits and an apple.It never seems like much. Yet, by the time dinner comes around, you are full.If this is you, here are two strategies to help you out. Think about what youare eating earlier in the day. If you are having a light lunch, then trying tolast until dinner, you may be doing harm to yourself. By leaving it too longbetween food stops, you will get too hungry and overeat at dinner. Instead, tryhaving a slice of toast or a piece of fruit and a cup of yogurt at about 3:30pm. This should keep you going until dinner. So you can resist the pre-dinnersnacking. The other strategy is that if you do have a snack before dinner, putit on a plate, instead of picking and paying no attention to what you areeating, arrange some food properly on a small plate, then sit down to eat yoursnack. Simply by doing this, you will eat a lot less and still be ready for themain event.


11 What is the speaker mainly talking about?

主旨题;可以通过选项的长短推断出这题可能是主旨题,需要尤其关注材料开头部分;结合开头几个句子,我们可以推断出短文是有关于how to enjoy snacks properly beforedinner.

12. What does the speaker suggest you do if you have a light lunch?

细节题;KEY SENTENCE(S): Instead, try having a slice oftoast or a piece of fruit and a cup of yogurt at about 3:30 pm.

13. According to the speaker, why should you put a pre-dinner snack on aplate?

细节题;KEY SENTENCE(S): Simply by doing this, you willeat a lot less and still be ready for the main event.

Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.

How many trees are there in the world? Until now, scientists could onlyguess. The estimate of global tree number is approximately 400 billion. In thetree survey project- by using satellite images and on site counting in morethan 50 countries, researchers at an American university counted more than 3,000billion trees in the world, roughly 7 times more than previously estimated.Among all the countries, Russia is ranked first in the tree number.

But researchers also warned the number of trees on earth has fallen by46 % since the start of civilization. Due to demand for wood and farmland,humans cut down more than 15 billion trees each year, replanting only 5billion. At that rate, trees on earth will be gone in about three centuries.The project’s goal is to draw attention to the importance of trees in the rolein reducing the gravity of climate change. The project’s lead researcher says:Trees store huge amounts of carbon. They are among the most important andcritical living things on earth.


14. According to the survey, how many trees are there in the world?

细节题;再次提醒大家做听力时笔记的重要性,尤其是数字;KEY SENTENCE(S): researchers at an Americanuniversity counted more than 3,000 billion trees in the world;

15. Which of the following is the most probable prediction based on thesurvey’s findings?

推断题;KEY SENTENCE(S): At that rate, trees onearth will be gone in about three centuries.

16 What is the purpose of the project introduced in the passage?

细节题;考察近义词的替换purpose和goal;KEY SENTENCE(S):The project’s goal is to drawattention to the importance of trees in the role in reducing the gravity ofclimate change.

Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.

M: Helen, when is your brother Jerry getting into town? I haven't seenhim for ages.

W: This Thursday, I will pick him up around 8:00 pm.

M: Are you going to do anything together that night?

W: No. I think he'll be too tired and will probably just want to go tobed early.

M: That's true. It's a long flight from Sanya. How long is he going tostay?

W: Only till Monday. Then he goes to Nanjing to see our parents.

M: Do you have any special plans for Friday?

W: You bet. He can relax in the apartment on Friday morning. And then inthe afternoon, we are going to the forest park with some friends to have apicnic.

M: And then in the evening?

W: I have booked a table in Domingos, that Mexican restaurant. Do youknow it?

M: Yeah. One of the waiters I know told me it is extremely difficult tobook a table there.

W: Not if you call them early enough, say, a month earlier.

M: What about Saturday?

W: In the morning, we are going to Shanghai Museum. They’ve got anexhibition Jerry will be interested in. After lunch, we’ll be doing someshopping.

M: So I’m meeting you guys on Saturday evening at 8 o’clock.

W: Oh, yes, the party is at Claire’s house. Come round here just beforeeight and we can take a taxi over the Claire’s together.

M: All right.


17. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?

主旨题;可以通过选项的长短推断出这题可能是主旨题,需要尤其关注材料开头部分;结合开头几个句子,我们可以推断出短文是有关于their plan after Jerry’sarrival.

18. What can be learned about Jerry?


19. Why was the woman able to reserve a table in Domingos?

细节题;KEY SENTENCE(S): Not if you call them earlyenough, say, a month earlier.

20. What will Jerry MOST probably be doing on Friday afternoon?

细节题;KEY SENTENCE(S): And then in theafternoon, we are going to the forest park with some friends to have a picnic.

