"Look athim," said Martin. "He's even got underwear."He held Edward aloft so that Amos could see.
"Take it off,"shouted Amos.
"NO! ! ! !" screamed Abilene.
Martin removed Edward's underwear. Edward was paying attention now. He wasmortified. He was completely naked except for the hat on his head, and the otherpassengers onboard the ship were looking at him, directing curious andembarrassed glances his way.
"Give him to me," screamed Abilene. "He's mine.'
"No," said Amos to Martin, "give him to me."
“不要!”阿比林叫道,“别扔他! 他是瓷制的。他会被摔碎的!”
He clapped his hands together and then held them open. "Toss him," hesaid.
"Please," cried Abilene. "Don't throw him.He's made of china. He'll break."
Martin threw Edward. And Edward sailed naked through theair. Only a moment ago, the rabbit had thought that being naked in front of ashipload of strangers was the worst thing that could happen to him. But he waswrong. It was much worse being tossed, in the same naked state, from the handsof one grubby, laughing boy to another.
Amos caught Edward and held him up, displaying him triumphantly.
"Throw himback," called Martin.
Amos raised his arm, but just as he was getting ready to throwEdward, Abilene tackled him, shoving her head into his stomach, and upsettingthe boy's aim.
So it was that Edward did not go flying back into the dirty hands of Martin.
Instead, Edward Tulane went overboard.