英语早读丨Xi's visit to give fresh impetus to ties

英语早读丨Xi's visit to give fresh impetus to ties


Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Kremlin on his arrival in Moscow, Russia, March 20, 2023. (Xinhua/Shen Hong)

Beijing, Moscow will work together to uphold 'true multilateralism'

President Xi Jinping arrived at Moscow Vnukovo Airport on Monday, kicking off a three-day state visit that is aimed at adopting a new vision, a new blueprint and new measures for the growth of China-Russia relations in the years to come.

In written remarks delivered upon his arrival, Xi noted that China and Russia have consolidated and grown bilateral relations on the basis of no alliance, no confrontation and not targeting any third party.

The two sides have set a fine example for developing a new model of major country relations featuring mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation, he said.

"The growth of China-Russia relations has not only brought tangible benefits to the people of our two countries, but also made key contributions to the development and progress of the world," he said.

He said Beijing will continue to work with Moscow to safeguard the international system with the United Nations at its core, the international order underpinned by international law, and basic norms of international relations based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter.

"China will work with Russia to uphold true multilateralism, promote a multipolar world and greater democracy in international relations, and help make global governance more just and equitable," he said.

The president expressed confidence that the visit will produce fruitful results and give fresh impetus to the sound and steady growth of the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for the new era.

In a signed article titled "Forging Ahead to Open a New Chapter of China-Russia Friendship, Cooperation and Common Development "that was published in Russian media on Monday, Xi recalled his eight visits to the neighboring country over the past decade, saying that he "came each time with high expectations and returned with fruitful results".

The ninth trip will be "a journey of friendship, cooperation and peace", he wrote.

Noting that there is a clear historical logic and strong internal driving force for the growth of China-Russia relations, Xi said the two countries have come a long way in their wide-ranging cooperation and made significant strides into the new era over the past 10 years.

According to Xi, he and Russian President Vladimir Putin have maintained a close working relationship and met 40 times on bilateral and international occasions in the past years, providing firm stewardship for the sustained, sound and stable growth of China-Russia relations.

China has been Russia's largest trading partner for 13 consecutive years. Last year, the two-way trade volume exceeded $190 billion, up 116 percent from 10 years ago.

Bilateral cooperation on major projects in fields such as energy, aviation, space and connectivity is moving forward steadily, while collaboration in scientific and technological innovation, cross-border e-commerce and other emerging areas is showing strong momentum.

"Looking back on the extraordinary journey of China-Russia relations over the past 70 years and more, we feel strongly that our relationship has not reached easily where it is today, and that our friendship is growing steadily and must be cherished by us all," he wrote.

Xi noted that China and Russia have found a right path of state-to-state interactions, which is essential for the relationship to stand the test of changing international circumstances. It is also a lesson borne out by both history and reality, he added.

He stressed joint efforts to raise both the quality and quantity of investment and economic cooperation, boost two-way trade and make sustained efforts to synergize the Belt and Road Initiative and the Eurasian Economic Union.

It is also necessary to step up people-to-people and cultural exchanges, make good use of subnational cooperation mechanisms, encourage personnel exchanges and push for the resumption of tourism cooperation, Xi said.

Xi mentioned his speech at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations in March 2013, during which he observed that mankind, living in the same global village, has increasingly emerged as a community with a shared future in which everyone's interests are closely entwined.

"Since then, I have proposed the Belt and Road Initiative, the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, and the Global Civilization Initiative on different occasions," he wrote, adding that these initiatives are part of China's response to the changes in the world, the times and the historic trajectory.

"The international community has recognized that no country is superior to others, no model of governance is universal, and no single country should dictate the international order. The common interest of all humankind is in a world that is united and peaceful, rather than divided and volatile," he wrote.

Speaking of the all-around escalation of the Ukraine crisis since last year, Xi said China has all along upheld an objective and impartial position based on the merits of the issue, and actively promoted peace talks.

"We believe that as long as all parties embrace the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, and pursue equal-footed, rational and results-oriented dialogue and consultation, they will find a reasonable way to resolve the crisis as well as a broad path toward a world of lasting peace and common security," he wrote.

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播报:Andrew Thomas Pasek





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