第1764期:Self-taught Chefs Win Michelin Guide Star

第1764期:Self-taught Chefs Win Michelin Guide Star


Georgiana Viou is self-taught chef, or cook, from the west African country of Benin. She moved to France in hopes of becoming a translator.

Georgiana Viou 是来自西非国家贝宁的自学成才的厨师。 她移居法国,希望成为一名翻译。

Instead, she opened a restaurant there.


On Monday, her restaurant was awarded a star by the Michelin Guide. A restaurant is considered highly respected if it is awarded a star by the Michelin guidebook.

周一,她的餐厅被米其林指南授予一颗星。 如果一家餐厅被米其林指南授予一颗星,那么它就被认为是受到高度尊重的。

Viou’s restaurant is called Rouge. It is in the southwestern French city of Nimes.

Viou 的餐厅名为 Rouge。 它位于法国西南部城市尼姆。

Viou was not the only self-taught chef to get the award this year. A chef who studied literature, David Degoursy, and pastry chef Jeanne Satori, with a degree in sustainable development, also won a star for their restaurant de:ja. That is in Strasbourg, in eastern France, where the yearly awards ceremony was held.

Viou 并不是今年唯一获得该奖项的自学成才的厨师。 研究文学的厨师 David Degoursy 和拥有可持续发展学位的糕点师 Jeanne Satori 的餐厅 de:ja 也获得了一颗星。 那是在法国东部的斯特拉斯堡,每年的颁奖典礼都在这里举行。

Of the 44 new Michelin stars given out this year, Viou's is the only one won by a single woman. Several other women were honored as part of a team, like Satori, the pastry chef at de:ja.

在今年颁发的 44 颗米其林新星中,Viou 是唯一一颗由单身女性获得的。 其他几位女性作为团队的一员获得了荣誉,例如 de:ja 的糕点师 Satori。

Viou, who is 45-years-old, has said her cuisine is a mix of French Mediterranean and Beninese food. She has written several books about Benin's cooking.

现年 45 岁的 Viou 说她的美食融合了法国地中海和贝宁美食。 她写了几本关于贝宁烹饪的书。

Becoming a chef was a backup plan for Viou. She came to France in 1999 to study languages at Sorbonne University in Paris, hoping to become a translator. But after working at a communications company, her life changed directions. At age 33, cooking took over.

成为一名厨师是 Viou 的后备计划。 她于1999年来到法国,在巴黎索邦大学学习语言,希望成为一名翻译。 但在一家通信公司工作后,她的生活发生了变化。 33 岁时,烹饪接管了一切。

As a chef in training, she was one of the few women in the male-centric world of professional cooking. She said she does not like being judged because of her sex or skin color. She said that “it’s completely ridiculous” to be considered “a la mode” for being a Black female chef. A la mode is French for “fashionable or modern.”

作为一名接受培训的厨师,她是以男性为中心的专业烹饪世界中为数不多的女性之一。 她说她不喜欢因为性别或肤色而受到评判。 她说,作为一名黑人女厨师被认为是“时尚”“完全荒谬”。 A la mode 是法语,意思是“时髦的或现代的”。

Instead, she wants to only be judged for the food she serves.


Viou learned to cook from her mother, who had a small restaurant in Benin. She first worked toward becoming a chef in Marseille. She joined Rouge, in Nimes, after it opened in June 2021.

Viou 从她在贝宁开了一家小餐馆的母亲那里学会了做饭。 她最初在马赛努力成为一名厨师。 在 2021 年 6 月开业后,她加入了位于尼姆的 Rouge。

Viou's Michelin star was given for her cuisine that celebrates “her Mediterranean environment and Benin roots."

Viou 的米其林星因其庆祝“她的地中海环境和贝宁根源”的美食而获得。

She was emotional at the awards ceremony. At Rouge, “We’re not a team. We’re a family,” she said.

她在颁奖典礼上情绪激动。 在 Rouge,“我们不是一个团队。 我们是一家人,”她说。

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