第2204期:Taco Stand in Mexico City Gets Michelin Star

第2204期:Taco Stand in Mexico City Gets Michelin Star


Mexico City’s Tacos El Califa de León recently became the first Mexican taco stand to get a Michelin star – an award presented by the famous French restaurant guide. 

墨西哥城的 Tacos El Califa de León 最近成为第一家获得米其林星级的墨西哥玉米卷摊位,该奖项由著名的法国餐厅指南颁发。 

Chef Arturo Rivera Martínez recently stood over a very hot grill when Michelin representatives came to present him with one of the company’s heavy white chef’s coats. But Rivera Martinez did not put the jacket on. 

最近,厨师阿图罗·里维拉·马丁内斯 (Arturo Rivera Martínez) 站在一个非常热的烤架上,当时米其林代表向他赠送了一件公司厚重的白色厨师外套。但里维拉·马丁内斯没有穿上夹克。 

In this very small, 3-meter by 3-meter business space, the heat makes the meat. And the heat is strong. 


At El Califa de León there are only four things on the menu -- all of them tacos. The food business has been doing the same four things since opening in 1968. 

El Califa de León 的菜单上只有四道菜——全是炸玉米饼。自 1968 年开业以来,食品行业一直在做同样的四件事。

“The secret is the simplicity of our taco. It has only a tortilla, red or green sauce, and that’s it. That, and the quality of the meat,” said Rivera Martínez. He is also probably the only Michelin-starred chef who, when asked what drink should go with his food, answers “I like a Coke.” 


Other than perhaps one street food stand in Bangkok, Thailand, El Califa de León is probably the smallest restaurant ever to get a Michelin star. And half of the small space is taken up by a solid steel plate grill that is hotter than the salsa. 

除了泰国曼谷的一家街头小吃摊外,El Califa de León 可能是有史以来获得米其林星级的最小餐厅。一半的小空间被一个比莎莎酱还要热的实心钢板烤架占据了。

Thousands of times a day, Rivera Martínez gets a fresh, thinly sliced piece of beef and puts it on the hot steel grill. 

里维拉·马丁内斯(Rivera Martínez)每天数千次拿到一块新鲜的切成薄片的牛肉,然后将其放在热钢烤架上。 

The heat is one of the few secrets Rivera Martínez would share. The steel grill has to be heated to 360 Celsius. 

炎热是里维拉·马丁内斯愿意分享的少数秘密之一。钢烤架必须加热到 360 摄氏度。 

Asked how it felt to get a Michelin star, he said in classic Mexico City slang, “it’s neat, it’s cool.” 


The prices at his stand are quite high by Mexican standards. A single taco costs nearly $5. But many customers are sure it is the best in the city. 

按照墨西哥的标准,他摊位上的价格相当高。一个炸玉米饼的价格接近 5 美元。但许多顾客确信它是城里最好的。 

“It’s the quality of the meat,” said Alberto Muñoz, who has been coming to the place for about eight years. “I have never been disappointed. And now I’ll recommend it with even more reason, now that it has a star.” 

“这就是肉的质量,”来这个地方大约八年的阿尔贝托·穆尼奥斯 (Alberto Muñoz) 说。“我从来没有失望过。现在我会更有理由推荐它,因为它已经有了一颗星星。” 

His son, Alan, who was waiting for a beef taco alongside his father, noted “this is a historic day for Mexican cuisine, and we’re witnesses to it.” 


It really is about not changing anything — the freshness of the tortillas, the menu, the design of the restaurant. Owner Mario Hernández Alonso will not even tell where he buys the stand’s meat. 


By law, following the coronavirus pandemic, Mexico City restaurants have been permitted to open up street-side seating areas. But El Califa de León does not even have a sidewalk where customers could eat because of all the street vendors. 


Asked if he would like them to make room for a street-side seating area, Hernández Alonso said pointing to the street vendors, “As the saying goes, why fix or change something that’s alright? You shouldn’t fix anything... It’s the way God ordered things, and you have to deal with it.” 


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