Express your dream destinations

Express your dream destinations


"My dream destination is definitely Paris. I can't wait to stroll along the Seine River and visit the Eiffel Tower."(我的梦想目的地肯定是巴黎。我迫不及待地想沿着塞纳河漫步,参观埃菲尔铁塔。)

"I've always wanted to go to Japan. The culture and food are so fascinating to me."(我一直想去日本。这里的文化和美食对我来说都很迷人。)

"I would love to visit New York City one day. It seems like there's always something exciting happening there."(我很想有一天去纽约市。那里似乎总是有令人兴奋的事情发生。)

"Australia is at the top of my travel bucket list. I want to explore the Great Barrier Reef and see all the unique wildlife."(澳大利亚是我旅游愿望清单的首选。我想探索大堡礁,看到所有独特的野生动物。)

"I dream of visiting the beaches of Hawaii and experiencing the laid-back island lifestyle."(我梦想着去夏威夷的海滩,体验那种悠闲的岛屿生活方式。)

"I've always been fascinated by the history and architecture of Italy. I can't wait to visit Rome and Florence."(我一直被意大利的历史和建筑所吸引。我迫不及待地想去罗马和佛罗伦萨。)

"The natural beauty of New Zealand is absolutely breathtaking. I would love to hike through the mountains and visit the glaciers."(新西兰的自然美景绝对令人惊叹。我想徒步穿越山脉,参观冰川。)

"I can't wait to visit the beaches and temples of Thailand. The culture and food seem so vibrant and exciting."(我迫不及待地想去泰国的海滩和寺庙。这里的文化和美食看起来都非常充满活力和刺激。)

"I've always been intrigued by the stunning landscapes and unique culture of Iceland. The Northern Lights are also a must-see."(我一直被冰岛惊人的风景和独特的文化所吸引。北极光也是必看的。)

"I would love to explore the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu in Peru. It's a fascinating piece of history."(我想探索秘鲁马丘比丘的古代遗迹。这是一段迷人的历史。)

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