Technology Tool Aims to Let Young People Remove Explicit Images from Internet

Technology Tool Aims to Let Young People Remove Explicit Images from Internet



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I'm sorry, I don't understand. (抱歉,我不明白)

Let me clarify what I mean. (让我澄清一下我的意思)

That makes sense. (那很有道理)

I see your point. (我明白你的观点)

Sorry for the delay. (抱歉让你等了)

Could you repeat that, please? (你可以再说一遍吗?)

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That's a good idea. (这是个好主意)

I'm interested in learning more. (我对学习更多感兴趣)

I'm not sure if I can make it. (我不确定我是否能来)

Let me check my calendar. (让我查一下我的日历)

I'm available at 3 pm. (我下午3点有空)

Let me know if anything changes. (如果有任何变化,请告诉我)

Can you give me a moment? (你能给我一会儿时间吗?)

I have a question. (我有个问题)

I need your help with something. (我需要你的帮助)

Thank you for your help. (感谢你的帮助)

It's my pleasure. (很高兴能帮助你)

That's really kind of you. (你真是太好了)

I appreciate it. (我很感激)

Let's agree to disagree. (我们不必纠结于意见不同的事情)

I think we're on the same page. (我觉得我们意见一致)

I'm open to suggestions. (我接受建议)

Let's keep in touch. (让我们保持联系)

What do you think? (你认为怎么样?)

I'll do my best. (我会尽力的)

I'm looking forward to it. (我期待着)

That's not a problem. (那没问题)

Take care. (保重)


A new tool called Take It Down promises to remove explicit pictures that young people have put on the internet before they were 18 years old. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) is a non-profit organization that operates Take It Down. The tool is partly funded by Meta Platforms, which owns social media services Facebook and Instagram. "Once you send that photo, you can't take it back," is a warning that teenagers who upload photos to the internet often hear from adults. But some young people feel pressure to take and send explicit photos of themselves. They might not fully understand the bad things that result from sending such pictures. Without uploading any actual images and staying private, users of the site can create a digital “fingerprint” of the image. The fingerprint is a unique set of numbers called a “hash.” The numbers go into a database. Technology companies that take part in the program then remove the images from their websites.

一个名为 Take It Down 的新工具承诺删除年轻人在 18 岁之前放在互联网上的露骨照片。国家失踪与受虐儿童服务中心 (NCMEC) 是一家非营利组织,负责运营“将其取缔”。该工具部分由拥有社交媒体服务 Facebook 和 Instagram 的 Meta Platforms 资助。 “照片一旦发送,就无法收回”,这是将照片上传到互联网的青少年经常从成年人口中听到的警告。但有些年轻人感到有压力要拍摄和发送自己的露骨照片。他们可能无法完全理解发送此类图片会带来的坏处。在不上传任何实际图像和保持隐私的情况下,该网站的用户可以创建图像的数字“指纹”。指纹是一组独特的数字,称为“哈希”。这些数字进入数据库。参与该计划的技术公司随后会从其网站上删除这些图像。

But there are already a few problems with the tool. There are only a few social media platforms joining in the program. So far, only Meta’s Facebook and Instagram and another site called Yubo have joined. Two adult sites are also taking part. Another problem happens if the image or video is changed in any way. For example, if a person changes the size or turns the image into a meme. The new image gets a new hash number. A photo that has a filter on it will have a similar hash that is usually different by only one letter or number. Gavin Portnoy is a spokesperson for the NCMEC. He said Take It Down is made for teens who think their images could be or are already out on the internet. The release could have happened through sharing, or the young person might have felt forced to put it on the internet. Portnoy described it this way: "You're a teen and you're dating someone, and you share the image. Or somebody extorted you…’”

但是该工具已经存在一些问题。只有少数社交媒体平台加入该计划。到目前为止,只有 Meta 的 Facebook 和 Instagram 以及另一个名为 Yubo 的网站加入。两个成人网站也参与其中。如果以任何方式更改图像或视频,则会发生另一个问题。例如,如果有人更改大小或将图像变成模因。新图像获得新的哈希值。带有滤镜的照片将具有相似的散列值,通常仅相差一个字母或数字。 Gavin Portnoy 是 NCMEC 的发言人。他说,Take It Down 是为那些认为自己的图像可能或已经出现在互联网上的青少年而制作的。发布可能是通过分享发生的,或者年轻人可能被迫将其发布到互联网上。 Portnoy 是这样描述的:“你是一个青少年,你正在和某人约会,你分享了这张照片。或者有人勒索了你……”

Portnoy said the privacy of the site helps teens feel more at ease than if they go to law enforcement, which would not be private. "To a teen who doesn't want that level of involvement, they just want to know that it's taken down, this is a big deal for them,” Portnoy said. NCMEC said it has seen a 35 percent increase in the number of reports of internet abuse of children from 2020 to 2021. The group operates a tipline, called CyberTipline, where people can report internet child abuse. NCMEC said it received 29.3 million reports in 2021.

Portnoy 说,与去执法部门相比,该网站的隐私性让青少年感觉更自在,因为执法部门不会是私人的。 Portnoy 说:“对于不想参与到这种程度的青少年来说,他们只想知道它已被删除,这对他们来说是一件大事。”NCMEC 表示,报告数量增加了 35%从 2020 年到 2021 年的互联网虐待儿童事件。该组织运营着一条名为 CyberTipline 的举报热线,人们可以在其中举报互联网虐待儿童事件。NCMEC 表示,它在 2021 年收到了 2930 万份报告。

Similar tools have been created and used, but with less success. In 2017 Facebook released a similar tool for adults. The site asked people to send their encrypted explicit photos to the company. The service was tested in Australia for a short period of time, but people did not trust the site or Facebook. In 2021, Facebook helped launch another tool for adults call StopNCII, or Stop Nonconsensual Intimate Images. A British non-profit group operates the website, but anyone in the world can use it. Since then, online sexual abuse has gotten much worse for children, teens and adults. Many tech companies already use the hash system to remove and report images of child sexual abuse. The goal is to have more companies sign up for the program. Portnoy said, "We never had anyone say no.” Two companies have not yet joined the project, Twitter and TikTok. Neither company had commented to the Associated Press as of Sunday.

已经创建和使用了类似的工具,但收效甚微。 2017 年,Facebook 发布了一款类似的成人工具。该网站要求人们将他们加密的露骨照片发送给该公司。该服务在澳大利亚进行了短期测试,但人们并不信任该网站或 Facebook。 2021 年,Facebook 帮助推出了另一款名为 StopNCII 的成人工具,即 Stop Nonconsensual Intimate Images。一家英国非营利组织运营该网站,但世界上任何人都可以使用它。从那时起,对儿童、青少年和成人的在线性虐待变得更加严重。许多科技公司已经使用哈希系统来删除和报告儿童性虐待的图像。目标是让更多公司注册该计划。 Portnoy 说:“我们从来没有人拒绝过。”两家公司尚未加入该项目,Twitter 和 TikTok。截至周日,两家公司均未向美联社发表评论。

Meta’s global head of safety, Antigone Davis said that Take It Down is just one of many tools the company uses to prevent and report child sexual abuse and exploitation. Davis said Meta has supported the development of the tool as well as taken several steps. Davis said the company does not permit “unconnected adults” to send messages to children under the age of 18. She also said that the site works with real images and ones created using artificial intelligence called deepfakes. Deepfakes are pictures or videos that show real people saying or doing things that they did not actually say or do.

Meta 的全球安全主管 Antigone Davis 表示,Take It Down 只是该公司用来预防和报告儿童性虐待和性剥削的众多工具之一。戴维斯说,Meta 支持该工具的开发,并采取了几个步骤。戴维斯说,该公司不允许“未连接的成年人”向 18 岁以下的儿童发送信息。她还说,该网站使用真实图像和使用称为 deepfakes 的人工智能创建的图像。 Deepfakes 是图片或视频,显示真实的人在说或做他们实际上没有说或做的事情。

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