第1990期:New Controller Aims to Make Gaming Easier for People

第1990期:New Controller Aims to Make Gaming Easier for People


Paul Lane uses his mouth and face to push buttons and guide his virtual car on Gran Turismo, a game on the PlayStation 5. It is how he has been playing for the past 23 years, after a car accident left him unable to use his fingers. Paul Lane 在 PlayStation 5 上的 Gran Turismo 

游戏中用嘴和脸按下按钮并引导他的虚拟汽车。在一场车祸导致他无法使用手指后,他在过去 23 年里一直这样玩游戏 。 

Playing video games has long been difficult for people with disabilities. The controllers for the PlayStation, Xbox or Nintendo can be very hard, or even impossible, to use for people with limited mobility. 

对于残疾人来说,玩电子游戏一直很困难。对于行动不便的人来说,PlayStation、Xbox 或 Nintendo 的控制器可能很难甚至不可能使用。

As part of the gaming industry's efforts to fix the problem, Sony has worked with Lane and others to develop the new Access controller for PlayStation. Other companies, including Microsoft, and even people with 3-D printers have also created their own accessible controllers. 

作为游戏行业解决该问题的努力的一部分,索尼与 Lane 等人合作开发了适用于 PlayStation 的新型访问控制器。其他公司,包括微软,甚至拥有 3D 打印机的人也创建了自己的无障碍控制器。 

"I was big into sports before my injury," said Cesar Flores. The 30-year-old has used a wheelchair since a car accident eight years ago. He also worked with Sony on the controller. “And when I play video games, it reminds me that I’m still human. It reminds me that I’m still one of the guys.” 


Putting the traditional controller aside, Lane, 52, switches to the Access. It is round and customizable and can rest on a table or wheelchair tray. It can be customized in many ways, depending on what the user needs. That includes switching buttons and thumbsticks, programming special controls and combining two controllers to be used as one. As Lane plays Gran Turismo, he uses the back of his hand on the controller. 

抛开传统控制器,Lane, 52 切换到 Access。它是圆形的,可定制,可以放在桌子或轮椅托盘上。它可以通过多种方式进行定制,具体取决于用户的需求。这包括切换按钮和拇指杆、对特殊控件进行编程以及将两个控制器组合为一个控制器。当莱恩玩《Gran Turismo》时,他会用手背操作控制器。 

Lane and other gamers have been working with Sony since 2018 to help design the Access controller. The idea was to create something that could work for many people with different needs, rather than centering on any particular disability. 

Lane 和其他游戏玩家自 2018 年以来一直与索尼合作,帮助设计 Access 控制器。我们的想法是创造一种可以满足许多有不同需求的人的东西,而不是专注于任何特定的残疾。

Mark Barlet is the founder and executive director of the nonprofit AbleGamers. He said his organization has been supporting gamers with disabilities for nearly 20 years. AbleGamers also helped both Sony and Microsoft with their controllers. 

Mark Barlet 是非营利组织 AbleGamers 的创始人兼执行董事。他表示,他的组织近 20 年来一直在支持残疾游戏玩家。AbleGamers 还为索尼和微软提供了控制器的帮助。 

“The last five years I have seen the game accessibility movement go from (independent) studios working on some features to triple-A games being able to be played by people who identify as blind," he said. “In five years, it’s been breathtaking.” 

他说:“在过去的五年里,我看到游戏无障碍运动从致力于某些功能的(独立)工作室发展到盲人也能玩的 3A 游戏。”“在五年内,它已经 惊险。”

PlayStation’s Access controller will go on sale worldwide on December 6 and cost $90 in the U.S. 

PlayStation 的 Access 控制器将于 12 月 6 日在全球发售,美国售价 90 美元。 

Alvin Daniel of PlayStation said the device was designed with three ideas in mind to make it usable for as many players as possible. 

PlayStation 的阿尔文·丹尼尔 (Alvin Daniel) 表示,该设备的设计考虑了三个想法,以使其可供尽可能多的玩家使用。 

First, the player does not have to hold the controller to use it. It can lay flat on a table or wheelchair tray, for example. It was important for it to fit on a wheelchair tray, since once something falls off the tray, it might be impossible for the player to pick it up without help. It also had to be durable for this same reason. 


Second, it is much easier to press the buttons than on the common controller. It comes with buttons in different sizes and shapes so people can experiment with shaping it the way it works best for them. The third is the thumbsticks, which can also be changed depending on what works for the person using it. 


After his accident, Lane stopped gaming for seven years. For someone who began playing video games as a young child, “it was a void" in his life, he said. 


“Having gaming and having an opportunity to game at a very high level, to be able to do it again, it is like a reunion, (like losing) a close companion and being able to reunite with that person again.” 


  • 丢了100的孩子

    accessible controllers 无障碍控制器

  • 丢了100的孩子
