


test city often didn't take food with him if he just went for the night, went slide back early. he's been doing it. he saw life, apparently. brett used to take him camping a lot as kid. still no water, steve said. faint front lines batted. it is forward. he turned over a few more pages in the folder before placing it opened on the desk. it. he is the inventory of everything he had at the campaign. my food, my water. iran is fingered in the list. no torture. steve noted. maybe he was more of a needed than we thought. her orbit hair swept her cheeks as she turned on her heel and walked back out to the main reception area, two sets of eyes on. italy's frown deepened as he picked up lucky's t shirt from his desk placed in the box. kellen bundled up the yellow pants and place them alongside the risk of lucky things. his fingertips burned, sent a trial of fire, all the weight of his eyes suddenly heavy. there was something to be said for touching a dead man's belongings. he blinked once, drag himself back. and his voice grew in his ears. just because we haven't found a torch doesn't mean he didn't have one on him. you've seen the size of the gaps between those borders. it could easily have dropped into one as you feel. sign guys for a water bottle. how thorough research was done at the site very thorough. several guys kicked it up in kenyans down the closest provinces. i spent hours scarring the area. they're like to bring everything they can back to the families. oppose. so the northwest borders hang. 对。daddy stopped packing and looked up. look, there's now story to be uncovered here. so don't you go getting any ideas? he pointed a muddy boat at column before placing it in the box alongside its partners. not in this weather, he paused. and not in your condition, it. surprise shot through column. over the three decades since his accident, ed had rarely mentioned his leg. and never is a limiting factor. look at the item. from what i've heard, most locals don't even go out there now ahead. not even when the weather is good. the track that we used as kids is brushed ever grown, and a lot of the younger lights probably don't even know about it. since you left, it's generally being considered to risky. i'm like some kind of caution retail. bitty shrugged. something like that. i felt silent. b, a between them heavy. through the thin walls, steve could be heard on a phone, call her tone, reassuring, soothing. sorry, what now? calm spoke at last. nothing. lucky's death isn't conceded suspicious. he felt like others before him. eighty placed a hand on the cardboard box. i'll give this stuff back to tests, let his family do their growing. oppose. and you'll be able to catch the next flight harm. 嗯。the word rolled in column's head and images of millie flashed before him. the growing of the air condition are battled against the sound of the window, rattling its frame. a bit later, steve popped the heading, alerted eighty to a call out, and he was up out of his chair. a missing cat. callum tried on to smoke. eddie struggled to pick up his case heading towards the door. they'd stealing with missing. he paused one hand on the door, turned back, seriously mad. don't guys getting a billionaire on? it's been great seeing you. but it really should hit back home million nature. his mouth hung open a fraction longer than necessary as if he were going to add something. after a beat, he snapped, it shut, gave one of his trademark greens that this time didn't quite meet his eyes and walk down the door. leaving calm alone in his office. million native. kellen blinked once, then scanned the room. his eyes falling on the closed men in a folder on the edge of these disk. a glance over his shoulder at the closed door, and he leaned forward, sliding it closer and flipping the cover opener. he flipped past a few official looking documents. lucky status, date of birth next to kin. you focused on the form until his eyes ached and the letters on the page began to blurt. he blinked and flipped over. any image stand up at him. a further. a photo of lucky. 对的。the image was printed on a four paper in pixellated granny color. the quality was crab, but the content was clear. lucky white. leagues wedge down a gap between two boulders is fluoride yellow pants, just visible and stack against gray granite. his face was turned to the side, his neck at an old angle. like a tree trunk growing quickly in the rainforest. a desperate bid to reach sunlight. to reach life. he flipped the vote, however. another followed. he flipped again. and again. image after image of lucky's broken body shone from the pages. his mouth pulled with the acidic taste bio. he snapped the folder shut. and to the growing of the air conditioner rejected up and not grounding out the downpour outside and the scream inside his head. 

  • 迷离的睡眼
