


chapter four. a watched of beer and greasy food hit kilometre pushed his way through the front, daughter of the cane cutters. ten. the pub was heaving. small circular tables with ricky chairs at about half a dozen boots lining the walls all overflowing with body. most of them, sweaty, muddy and still in hive's gear. the chatter was laid enough to drown out the wind buffeting against the windows. kellen joseph, this way between the volunteer searches, emergency workers and the journal. the souls of issues sticking to the grimmy floor with each step. snippets of conversations ebbed and flowed. he passed. cool it off, cyclones boasting. another body likely bought a kid, at least. he notched his way between a stocky man in a mud splattered orange asia's jumpsuit and the woman he and mike had seen struggling in the gale outside the. she looked vaguely familiar. the landscape, along with her makeup and lack of mud, confirmed she was a journalist with a major news organization that was a. she twisted her glass of red wine and gave him a slight smile. he must have looked as out of places her in the sea of orange and fluoride yellow. kellen gave her a curt nod and scanned the room. he caught the eye of a dark. the one from the track. she raised her beer to him in recognition. she looked like she could still be in school. jesus, we must be getting older. he gave her a nod, turned back to the bar and placed his hands on the counter. i need to pull them. a thin layer of crime now coated his palms. he ordered a beer and two take away pieces. here for a work. the journalist next to me mask. a brief pause before kellen turned to her in shirky headwinds. 那。a lengthy man pressed between them, dumping his empty pint glass on the counter. it was filled with source covered survey. it scrunched into tight balls and adorned with a white blob of chewed up gum. mud ran the link of his fluorescent, should the fabric sporting a large tail along the slave. the journalist eyed columns, channels in button up should cocktail it to the side. well, you don't look like one of the volunteer searches. i like to share. she took a sip of one. at least it's not another kid. all that who had was at missing toddler thirty years ago. christ, what a mess. he couldn't bring himself to speak. she didn't seem phased by silence and took a large mouthful of wine before she continued. she was clearly used to talking about people. and then that girl before her, she was, i live book. fourteen fifteen. i don't mind my search. about twenty years ago. thirty. columns voice came out jacket the inside of his mouth, raul. a flicker of granite gray skirted across his mind. he shifted his weight off his left leg and took another seat back. there i scanned the pub. apparently, the town cop had some family emergency in the new boy embodied their minimum. the whole search was called off in less than forty eight hours. she snowed into her wine. what a ride cock up that was still, she smiled. mind for great story. something in columns, chest tightened, and he took another drink, the glass almost sleeping from his hand. he wrapped his palms on his trans. jesus is now bloody far away worries pizzas. raised voices from the opposite end of the bar, cut through the rumble of the pub. columns, the journalist both turned to look. a man tried to stand up from a basketball, staggered and was eased back down by another man with an impressive war or specific. still not body. look, an innovate. and i. the man stood again, brushed off the other man's attempts to steady him and lean heavily on the counter. a hushed murmur from the man with a master. the shape of the words blocked by the dark bristles above his top lip. i should be look and ended up bloody score. the man called quite in the entire pub. chasing down the factor prick. the sign creates the technology. that's what's got a lucky last. he raised one hand of the counter and knocked his point of beer over. the pub watched on in silence, says the amber liquid glide across the countertop. with a firm hand from his friend at a lack of eye contact from a nearby patrons, the man was escorted out of the pub. he is guessed over to spill out along with his beer. sounds juicy. the journalist rise to eyebrows. iphone. the barman held two pizza boxes are left scanning the room. then crossed. columns scooped up his pieces, read justice weight and with a half nod to the woman pressed his way back through the crowd before she got open a mouth again. and. an empty pizza box, two beers and a glass of water sat on the old timber coffee table on the quiet bacteria. the scent of rain hung heavy in the air. thick, dense and pressing itself around the column. a pleasant warmth caused through his body more to do with a good company than the mediocre food. forty minutes earlier, column had raised their hands to knock on the timber front door and wanted win, if ever hit, knocked on the quiet store. it was familiar. unlike the roof. the telltale appealing bottle green metal had been replaced by a more modern, slick, gray collaborate. most likely a result of the last cyclone. aside from a natural of cardboard moving boxes lining the hallway, everything inside seemed as it had been three decades earlier. an odd sense of coming home had stood something unexpected in his chest. it is dead. bill had given calamo lopsided smile. he'd leaned heavily to his right, has been pushed himself up out of an old armchair that kellen recalled from his childhood. barely reaching columns chest. bill held onto each of column shoulders. the same way his son had only hours earlier. and gave them a squeeze. the centre of tobacco drifted between them. 

