


time had not been kind to eddie's dead. rounded shoulders in the posture that swayed a little to one side as if the wind had been blowing. bill, quiet steadily to his right, his entire life. with a baton skin. several shades darker than his sons. a legacy of a lifetime spent under the harsh queensland sun. add laughter lines around his mouth that sank in would like great ravines carving their way through his flesh. event challenges a bit heavy. bill's words learned as he spoke. each clinging onto the next, as if it were a live raft desperate to escape his mouth to be spoken. to be heard. the stroke had hit him hard at a sudden flush of guilt washed over calm. you should have visited when he'd heard the news. 没有。billed leaned back heavily in a return outdoor chair that looked dangerously close to toppling back with. his eyes were closed, his face peaceful, that he seemed done phased by the rain that pushed in beneath the deck, owning, waiting his bare fate. yet column still couldn't be sure he was a slave. sam. why are you really back in granted. lady threw a half vacant pizza, crossed into the open. column medicine then looked back into the darkness beyond the dig. the throne of rain requested around in sydney's head. eddie didn't listen. pip. it wasn't question. a note. enough said. and millions good. columns chest tightened at the sound of a. yeah. just pissed off because i didn't let it come up here with me. he forced to not. images of his daughter filled his mind, fresh faced in beautiful scaling and sun. she got a nose piece without telling me last month. it he loved. a bit later, the corner of bills mouth turned up. she's a good kid, though. a warm search threw him just tricky with a fifteen year old girl. with my mother. after a pause, he added. i don't remember us buying such a little sheet. a snowed from bill this time, and another laugh from eighty, rich and warm. thirty years have done little to change it. are you kidding me? we were title sheet. us. the slight noise of a grains from bills still figure. daddy reaches for his water, and the columns are a flash of a black, yellow and red tennis too visible on the underside of the example. attribute to using digital heritage. nicking your date's beer, discuss facts. bills, right, eye open, affection closed again. sneaking around the ball doesn't doing anything we could. the piece of bread, white. as i recall it, we generally try to avoid britain as much as possible. it is thrown the scooped up his glass of water at a scale. 那你remember。the prank calls the towns, the dog shit. he stayed at the daily at a vague memory of jamming cane toads into bread schoolbag scrambled to the surface. he forgot the most. yeah, but pretty good coming, he said. it ignored return these glass the table. all on, scientists might be getting a nose piece. isn't all that. column safety beer already warm at a gentle snow, started from bill. so how is it being back? weird. didn't think i'd end up back here. eighty landed back into the khan chair, his blue sirens shut, hanging over the back. he hired his snoozing dead load, his voice. but dead, neither head. he's been slowing down since he's strike. and with bomber is now what else to help out? like column, eddie had been an only change. then the science position came up at it all seemed that just falling to play. and have you fallen into place? the rain drummed on the roof. tension lines formed across edy's ford. hardly. i haven't exactly been welcomed back into the fold with open arms. since your dad lift is by nothing but media co, law enforcement in this town. oppose more tension lines. copy to your heart from the mall. not one of them is being a likely. not even spitting distance of the north, really. few wanted the posting. might just shut it up, he. the handful that did volunteer for the google deluded enough to think that they were moving up for some relaxing referendum first experience. kellum noted. didn't realize they were moving up to a town of fifteen hundred. most of them ageing farmers. exactly. did they tom keep things relatively in order and they swamped back to the city once they were fed up with breaking up sunday above roles, cuts. he turned to kill him. no one's really given a sheet. now what i might. calm, noted it. can't really blame anyone here for not having much faith in the policing system, then it, he continued. all that stuff thirty years ago with a male yet. 没有。let's stuff thirty years ago. that kid wasn't even two. he shook his head. what annoyed? worse than what we're dealing with at the moment. columns mind jumped to the search that took place over a decade. from what he gathered, the whole town had rallied together. the whole country, for that matter. newspapers every night for almost a fortnight. the first few days, the search had been particularly rampant. after about a week, the cameras had begun to drop away, and the search is retreated as people realized that they were no longer searching for a little girl, but a body. the rest of the country soon lost interest. until, of course, they found the body. small friend dragged from a gap between two of the boulders. the image had been splashed across the country's media outlet. no one had been speech from seeing the lifeless figure. callen wiped his hands on his trousers. pushed the thoughts of thirty years ago from his mind and dragged his attention back to the present. so how are things going with the search? eddie blew at a slow. 那么你是谁呀?not much to go off really. odd for a likely to wander. it is rugged. he probably got up for a piece in the night and wanted a little too far into the scrap. you remember what it's like it there, two or three steps of the track, and you can't say it behind it. five or six tips, and you're almost certain to have lost it. ten or twelve steps in your officially screwed it. he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and ran his hands through his hair. we've got the best there recently. ecs guys from all over this end of the state of trick up for it. he's got as good a chance as he could hide for. still. eddie brown, is it together? not much of a chance than that. not like a local to go camping in this weather. california. apparently, it wasn't unheard of for lucky. his wife said he did it now, and to clear his head. air was she when she found out. as expected. short been so much. the sun jack was they would not spoke to her. he is only nine or ten, but the looks of it, he looks straight. thankfully, it's school holidays now it. something snagged in the back of columns, mind. was this some business up at the school that lucky was caught up in. california glanced. no movement, no reaction. still snoring. what's sort of business? it asked not sure just something i blocked at the pub mentioned. rambled it. something about a guy called thicker, maybe. 打哪儿?but i haven't even been back a week, and it spent over a decade since lucky was in school. have you heard much about lucky? 那是rugged。snippet. seems well locked enough. he's a furry coaches. his kids fourty time. does the volunteer work for a local conservation and group. friends are the forest to something like that. a good blog is what they all say. eddie leaned back in his chair, close designs. still, i realize what will come to the service. callum took another suburbs.

