Don’t get hung up on little things

Don’t get hung up on little things


Don’t get hung up on little things. Practice “can’t change it, let it go”.

There are ups and downs in life. Good things happen so do bad things. But I tell you what, don’t get stuck in small little things. It will only drive us anxiously nervous, which will slow down our growth. Your wants and desires are getting fulfilled. For some people it takes a longer time, for some people it happens in a shorter time, and for some people, it happens immediately. Many times, we only have put thought constraints in our own minds.

If you can't change it, let it go. Learning how to make peace with what you can't change and to achieve happiness with where you are now is important. Be content, happy and yet have aspirations for higher knowledge. These are two opposite things – one side is contentment and the other side is longing for higher knowledge. The skill that you need to develop is to keep the passion for knowledge and at the same time maintain contentment.

  • 焦溏拿铁


  • 晚霞西阳


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