No one ever wins in an argument

No one ever wins in an argument


No one ever wins in an argument.

When you think about an argument, it gets down to being all about you. It’s about getting your point across. We are addicted to righteousness – to winning. It’s about making sure the other person knows that you are right. The problem is that it never ends that well for either party. You don’t have to look far to see how arguments can escalate quickly.

Arguments could be dangerous and even might break marriages, lifelong friendships, or any other kinds of relationships. You never truly win in an argument. You may get your point across but you do so at the cost of the relationship.

Let's try to avoid having these negative interactions in any arguments.  Listen. Really listen, as in listen and don’t plan your counter-attack in your head while the other person talks. Lower your speaking volume. This helps when the other party is raising their voice. They have to quiet down to be able to hear you respond. When you step up your volume to match theirs, things only escalate further and now just punched a one-way ticket to regret. Don’t push the buttons. If you are close to someone, you know what limits to push to get someone upset. Create a win-win situation by flipping the argument into an opportunity to serve someone in a personal way.

  • 向RI葵


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