37岁执掌1250亿!她在男性主导的华尔街,打破 “天花板”(讲解版)|E0209

37岁执掌1250亿!她在男性主导的华尔街,打破 “天花板”(讲解版)|E0209



Bridgewater Associates is naming Karen Karniol-Tambour as its third co-chief investment officer as it continues to rework its leadership after billionaire founder Ray Dalio gave up control of the $125 billion hedge fund firm. 

Karniol-Tambour, 37, will share the CIO title with Greg Jensen, 48, and Bob Prince, 64, making her the first woman to hold the most senior investing job at the world’s largest hedge fund.


1. Bridgewater Associates 桥水基金

· 注:Associates 表示“联合公司”时,要用复数的形式,词尾加s 

2. A names B as sth. A任命B担任某职务

· name /neɪm/ v. 委任,任命 (to choose somebody for a job or position)

3. co-chief investment officer(co-CIO) 联席首席投资官


· chief executive officer (CEO) 首席执行官

· chief financial officer (CFO) 首席财务官

· co-worker n. 同事

· co-producer n. 联合制作人

· co-creator n. 联合创作人

4. rework its leadership 重组领导班子 

5. give up control of sth. 放开、放弃对某事的控制权

6. hedge fund 对冲基金 

7.share the title with sb. 和某人共同担任某职务

8. make sb. sth. 使得某人成为……

9. hold a certain job 获得某项工作

· hold a certain position 获得某个岗位

