58. 周年纪念(讲解)

58. 周年纪念(讲解)



"You are not fair, little prince," I said. "I don't know how to draw anything except boa constrictors from the outside and boa constrictors from the inside."

"Oh, that will be all right," he said, "children understand."

So then I made a pencil sketch of a muzzle. And as I gave it to him my heart was torn.

"You have plans that I do not know about," I said.

But he did not answer me. He said to me, instead:

"You know--my descent to the earth . . . Tomorrow will be its anniversary."

Then, after a silence, he went on:

"I came down very near here."

And he flushed.

And once again, without understanding why, I had a queer sense of sorrow. One question, however, occurred to me:

"Then it was not by chance that on the morning when I first met you--a week ago--you were strolling along like that, all alone, a thousand miles from any inhabited region? You were on your way back to the place where you landed?"

The little prince flushed again.

And I added, with some hesitancy:

"Perhaps it was because of the anniversary?"

The little prince flushed once more. He never answered questions--but when one flushes does that not mean "Yes"?

"Ah," I said to him, "I am a little frightened--"

But he interrupted me.

"Now you must work. You must return to your engine. I will be waiting for you here. Come back tomorrow evening . . ."

But I was not reassured. I remembered the fox. One runs the risk of weeping a little, if one lets himself be tamed . . .


- fair:adj. 公正的 / 美丽的;例:Oh you are so fair! 你真漂亮啊!
- sketch:n. 素描;例:a rough sketch 草图
- descent:n. 下降;例:There is a steep descent going down the hill. 这个小山丘下坡很陡。
- decent: adj. 正派的,得体的;例:He is a decent man. 他这人不错。
- anniversary:n. 周年纪念日;例:a wedding anniversary 结婚周年纪念日
- sorrow:n. 悲伤;例:Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen; nobody knows my sorrow. 没人知道我的苦难,没人懂的我的悲伤。
- stroll:v. 溜达;例:to stroll along the beach 在海滩上漫步
- hesitancy:n. 不愿,迟疑
- hesitate:v. 犹豫;例:He jumped in without hesitating. 他毫不犹豫地跳了进去。
- run the risk of:冒着……的风险;例:You’re running the risk of losing your job! 你这是在拿自己的工作开玩笑!
- weep:v. 哭泣;例:Tricia wept with relief after learning that her mom will be fine. 翠花知道她妈妈不会有事之后欣慰地哭了。

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    听友499742301 回复 @听友499742301: ,美美美

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    听友499742301 回复 @1803258ocnc: 给哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥给哥哥