60. 准备回家(讲解)

60. 准备回家(讲解)



I had loosened the golden muffler that he always wore. I had moistened his temples, and had given him some water to drink. And now I did not dare ask him any more questions. He looked at me very gravely, and put his arms around my neck. I felt his heart beating like the heart of a dying bird, shot with someone's rifle . . .

"I am glad that you have found what was the matter with your engine," he said. "Now you can go back home--"

"How do you know about that?"

I was just coming to tell him that my work had been successful, beyond anything that I had dared to hope.

He made no answer to my question, but he added:

"I, too, am going back home today . . ."

Then, sadly--

"It is much farther . . . It is much more difficult . . ."

I realized clearly that something extraordinary was happening. I was holding him close in my arms as if he were a little child; and yet it seemed to me that he was rushing headlong toward an abyss from which I could do nothing to restrain him . . .

His look was very serious, like some one lost far away.

"I have your sheep. And I have the sheep's box. And I have the muzzle . . ."

And he gave me a sad smile.

I waited a long time. I could see that he was reviving little by little.

"Dear little man," I said to him, "you are afraid . . ."

He was afraid, there was no doubt about that. But he laughed lightly.

"I shall be much more afraid this evening . . ."

Once again I felt myself frozen by the sense of something irreparable. And I knew that I could not bear the thought of never hearing that laughter any more. For me, it was like a spring of fresh water in the desert.


- muffler:n. 围巾(旧) / 消音器
- muffle:v. 裹住,减弱
- moisten:v. 弄湿
- gravely:adv. 严重地,严肃地;例:John’s grandma is gravely ill. 小强的奶奶病得很重。
- rifle:n. 步枪 / v. 快速翻查;例:Thieves had broken in and rifled the house. 窃贼破门而入,把屋子翻了一遍。
- headlong:adv. 头朝前地,莽撞地;例:Don’t rush headlong into marriage. 不要草率结婚。
- abyss:n. 深渊
- restrain:v. 阻止,抑制;例:Restrain yourself! 你克制一下!
- revive:v. 康复,恢复;例:The flowers were revived by fresh water. 这些花浇了淡水以后就活过来了。
- irreparable:adj. 不可弥补的,无法挽回的;例:irreparable damage/harm 永久伤害

  • liz135

    as if he were a little child 为什么用were而不是was呢?

  • 小妮子的十亿路
