55. 黎明(讲解)

55. 黎明(讲解)



"What makes the desert beautiful," said the little prince, "is that somewhere it hides a well . . ."

I was astonished by a sudden understanding of that mysterious radiation of the sands. When I was a little boy I lived in an old house, and legend told us that a treasure was buried there. To be sure, no one had ever known how to find it; perhaps no one had ever even looked for it. But it cast an enchantment over that house. My home was hiding a secret in the depths of its heart . . .

"Yes," I said to the little prince. "The house, the stars, the desert--what gives them their beauty is something that is invisible!"

"I am glad," he said, "that you agree with my fox."

As the little prince dropped off to sleep, I took him in my arms and set out walking once more. I felt deeply moved, and stirred. It seemed to me that I was carrying a very fragile treasure. It seemed to me, even, that there was nothing more fragile on all Earth. In the moonlight I looked at his pale forehead, his closed eyes, his locks of hair that trembled in the wind, and I said to myself: "What I see here is nothing but a shell. What is most important is invisible . . ."

As his lips opened slightly with the suspicion of a half-smile, I said to myself, again: "What moves me so deeply, about this little prince who is sleeping here, is his loyalty to a flower--the image of a rose that shines through his whole being like the flame of a lamp, even when he is asleep . . ." And I felt him to be more fragile still. I felt the need of protecting him, as if he himself were a flame that might be extinguished by a little puff of wind . . .

And, as I walked on so, I found the well, at daybreak.


- radiation:n. 发热,辐射,发光;例:solar radiation 太阳辐射
- enchantment:n. 狂喜,着魔
- enchanted:adj. 狂喜的,中了魔法的
- stir:v. 使……激动,激发;例:to stir the blood 令人激动
- fragile:adj. 易碎的,脆弱的;例:a fragile excuse 站不住脚的借口
- lock:n. 一绺头发
- tremble:v. 颤动,颤抖;例:The poor dog was trembling with cold. 那只可怜的狗冻得直哆嗦。
- suspicion:n. 怀疑,看法,少许;例:I have a strong suspicion that she is lying. 我强烈感到她在撒谎。/ a suspicion of a smile 一丝笑意
- extinguish:v. 扑灭;例:to extinguish fire/hopes 灭火/毁灭希望
- puff:n. 喘气,少量;例:puffs of cloud 一缕缕云 / a cream puff:奶油酥

  • liz135


    大卫郭先生 回复 @liz135: 阳了两周,一直在咳嗽。现在好多了!下周恢复更新

  • liubi_ol


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