13上 | 犹抱琵琶半遮面,英雄迟暮惹人怜

13上 | 犹抱琵琶半遮面,英雄迟暮惹人怜



Stevens和Kenton之间唇枪舌剑,关于花,关于父亲的称呼以及关于Kenton是否too arrogant to learn a wealth of things from Stevens’farther who, according to his son, is a figure of unusual distinction.互相嘲讽到了白热化阶段,但是最终以直男癌的Stevens的绝杀告终take the wind out of her sails. 


"The fact is, Mr Stevens, your father is entrusted with far more than a man of his age can cope with."
"Miss Kenton, you clearly have little idea of what you are suggesting."

"Whatever your father was once, Mr Stevens, his powers are now greatly diminished. This is what these 'trivial errors' as you call them really signify and if you do not heed them, it will not be long before your father commits an error of major proportions."

"Miss Kenton, you are merely making yourself look foolish."

"I am sorry, Mr Stevens, but I must go on. I believe there are many duties your father should now be relieved of. He should not, for one, be asked to go on carrying heavily laden trays. The way his hands tremble as he carries them into dinner is nothing short of alarming. It is surely only a matter of time before a tray falls from his hands on to a lady or gentleman's lap. And furthermore, Mr Stevens, and I am very sorry to say this, I have noticed your father's nose."

"I regret to say I have, Mr Stevens. The evening before last I watched your father proceeding very slowly towards the dining room with his tray, and I am afraid I observed clearly a large drop on the end of his nose dangling over the soup bowls. I would not have thought such a style of waiting a great stimulant to appetite."

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  • chengchengsunshine


  • potpot_m7


  • Tina江


  • 木丶悠

    一开始还是挺喜欢Stevens的,现在越来越觉得他的性格很讨厌了……Σ( ° △ °|||)︴