14上 | 全世界与你为敌,我便与全世界为敌

14上 | 全世界与你为敌,我便与全世界为敌



Lord Darlington也终于登场made his debut。这位Lord还特别喜欢玩“设计偶遇”accidental meeting和“不对视交流”be engrossed in the volumes的游戏,shy and modest的。


A great deal of nonsense has been spoken and written in recent years concerning his lordship and the prominent role he came to play in great affairs, and some utterly ignorant reports have had it that he was motivated by egotism or else arrogance. Let me say here that nothing could be further from the truth. It was completely contrary to Lord Darlington's natural tendencies to take such public stances as he came to do and I can say with conviction that his lordship was persuaded to overcome his more retiring side only through a deep sense of moral duty. Whatever may be said about his lordship these days - and the great majority of it is, as I say, utter nonsense - I can declare that he was a truly good man at heart, a gentleman through and through, and one I am today proud to have given my best years of service to.

On the particular afternoon to which I am referring, his lordship would still have been in his mid-fifties; but as I recall, his hair had greyed entirely and his tall slender figure already bore signs of the stoop that was to become so pronounced in his last years.


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  • 听友64906680

  • 陈璐_av


  • Tina江

    这个史蒂芬一直用his lordship来表示he达灵顿,感觉好恭敬

  • 三林员外
