The Royal Banquet
Who are those lords so fine
In leather cap or hood,
Coming to drink your wine
And eat your viands good?
Can they be others?
They are your brothers.
They are like mistletoe
That o'er cypress does grow.
When they see you not, how
Can their hearts not be sad?
When they do see you now,
They are happy and glad.
Who are those lords so fine
In deer skin cap or hood,
Coming to drink your wine
And eat your seasonable food?
Can they be others?
They are your brothers.
They are like mistletoe
That o'er the pine does grow.
When they see you not,how
Can their hearts not feel sad
When they do see you now,
They feel all right and glad.
Who are those lords so fine
With leather cap on head,
Coming to drink your wine,
With food the table spread?
O how can they be others?
They are our cousins and brothers.
We are like snow or rain;
Nothing will long remain.
Death may come any day;
We can enjoy tonight at least.
Drink and rejoice as you may;
Let us enjoy the feast!