The Cat's Tale猫的故事(下) | 原版英语童话故事

The Cat's Tale猫的故事(下) | 原版英语童话故事


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「“I have a plan,said Rat to Cat. “Ox can swim fast. Let's ride on his back. When he gets near the bank, we will jump off.”」


“Oh yes, that is a good plan,said Cat, “We will win the race.


Cat and Rat went to see Ox.


“Please, Ox,” said Rat, “my friend Cat does not like to swim. Can you help her across the river?


“Hmm...yes, I will help you.Ox said to Cat.


So this is their plan, to go on the back of the ox. And then they're going to jump off when it gets to the side. And the side of a river is called the river bank.


Mmm...that sounds like a very fair plan? I don't think so. The emperor wants to see who can swim across. I think Rat and Cat will be cheating, and that's not a good idea.


「It was the day of the race. All the animals lined up along the river bank.


“Ready, steady, go!said the Emperor, and in jumped the animals.


Cat and Rat looked at Ox. it was time for their plan.


Cat jumped onto Ox's back. Rat jumped on, too. They held ontight.


Can you see here, we've got that word “too” means as well. Rat jumped on too, T-O-O. Not I went to the shops. That's T-O. It's“too”, it means as welloralso”.

你能在这里看到“too”这个单词,它的意思是“as well(也)”老鼠也跳了上去。T,O,O。不是I went to the shops我去了商店)”中的那个“to”。那是T-O。这是too,它和“aswell”或“also”一样表示“也”的意思

And have a look, we got that apostrophe back again. Ox's back. The back belongs to the Ox, it's part of his body. Therefore we say “Ox’s”. And it looks a bit strange, doesn't it?

,我们在这里又见到了一个撇号Ox’s back这个背部是属于牛的是他身体的一部分。因此我们说Ox's。另外,这还有点奇怪,不是吗?

Because there’s an “x”. And “x” in English is a letter which isn't used very often, not like many of the other words or other letters. So we don't often see the word “x”. Not that often. It's like “z”, which is the last letter of the alphabet. We don't see many words in British English with the letter Z in.


All the animals were swimming fast. Each one wanted to win the race. 」


Ox swam and swam. Cat and Rat held onto his back.


“We are going to win!shouted Cat.


Can you see all the other animals swimming? I'm not sure whether all of those animals would really like to swim. Chickens don't really like water very much, I know that. I'm not sure about a rabbit either.


Horses can swim, but you often don't see them in the water. I'm not sure about a pig. And I'm certainly not sure about a dragon.


「“We are almost there!said Rat. “Get ready to jump!”」


Cat was excited. She and Rat were going to winthe race by cheating!


Oh, dear.


「Ox swam closer and closer to the riverbank. And Cat got ready to jump.


So this word here, cheating. To cheat is not to do something fairly. It's to break the rules of a game. Nobody ever likes people who cheat. It's one of those horrible things.


I wonder if you've ever played a game like a card game or a board game, and somebody cheats. And you just say, “Oh, I'm not going to play anymore! It's not worth playing if you cheat!So it's never ever a good idea to cheat. And people don't like people who cheat.

我想知道你是否曾经玩过一个游戏,比如纸牌游戏或棋盘游戏,是否遇到过有人作弊呢。这时候你会说:”哦,我不会再玩了!如果你作弊,它就不值得玩了! 因此,作弊从来都不是一个好主意。而且人们不喜欢作弊的人。

「Splash! Suddenly, Cat was in the water. Rat had pushed her in. He had tricked her! 」


Cat did not like to swim. She did not like the water. She splashed and splashed as she tried to swim to the riverbank.


Ox swam on. He reached the river bank first. But Rat jumped off his back and onto the land.


I'm the winner!shouted Rat.


“Oh, you cheated!” said Ox.


Oh, dear.


「Rat came first. Ox came second. The Emperor named the first New Year ‘The Year of the Rat’. He named the next New Year ‘The year of the Ox’. 」


He named a New Year after the next ten animals to finish the race. But where was Cat?


At last, Cat reached the riverbank. She was very wet and very tired. The Emperor shook his head at Cat.


“Oh, I am sorry, he said, “But you are too late. The first twelve animals will have a New Year. You are number thirteen. There is no New Year left for you.


Oh, I think I can hear some animals. They're my dogs, and they're barking because the postman has been to deliver the letters. And they like to bark. I don't think they would be in the New Year list. They are too naughty.


「So that is why there is no Year of the Cat. And that is why cats are never friends with rats!」


That was a rather lovely story, wasn't it? And I like this story because it gives a story behind something that we know something about. And although it is a made up story, it's quite fun. I quite like this one.


So poor cat didn't get to have a Year of the Cat. And because all cats now are so angry, that's why they chase rats. I don't have a cat, but I do have two dogs. And I think if there's a rat in my garden, they would chase them as well.


