Town Mouse and Country Mouse 城市老鼠与乡下老鼠(下)| 原版英语童话故事

Town Mouse and Country Mouse 城市老鼠与乡下老鼠(下)| 原版英语童话故事


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「“Welcome, Cousin!” said Country Mouse. “You are just in time for supper.”」


Country Mouse gave Town Mouse a small bowl of nuts and grain.


“Thank you,”Town Mouse said, but he did not eat very much.


At bedtime, Country Mouse showed Town Mouse to his bed.


“Oh!” said Town Mouse. “Oh dear!”


Town Mouse did not sleep very well.


So we can see Country Mouse lives out in the country, and we can see a Town Mouse. Now, Town Mouse at home has a really nice bed, very grand because he lives in a town. The country mouse, his house is a bit more rustic. It's a little bit more basic. It's not quite as nice as the Town Mouse's house.


And look, Town Mouse says “Hmm...I don't think much of your bed. I'm used to sleeping in a really nice bed. Hmm...I'm not sure whether I'm going to sleep very well. ” And it tells us at the end, Town Mouse did not sleep very well.


「Country Mouse woke his cousin up very early the next morning.」


“Come on, cousin,” he said. “It's a bright, sunny day. Time to get our breakfast.”


The two mice worked hard gathering juicy berries, rosy apples, nuts and grains of wheat.


So can you see what time it is? Hmm...It's 5 o'clock in the morning. I don't think that's a very good time to wake up. I don't think I would want to wake up at 5 o'clock in the morning.


Now, tradition in the countryside, lots of farmers live there, and they start work very early in the morning. So there's a bit of a tradition that people that live in the countryside wake up very early. You'll be pleased to know, that I often and don't. I think the thought of getting up at 5 o'clock in the morning wouldn't be much fun.


That evening, the two mice sat by the fireside. Country Mouse was happy, but Town Mouse was not happy.


I do not like the country,” he said. “It is hard work, and I do not like the food.”


“What do you mean, Cousin?” asked Country Mouse.


“Come home with me tomorrow,” Town Mouse replied, “I will show you how good life is in town.”


So I think here what it's saying that in this story, is that Country Mouse has to get out every day and go and find the food where I think possibly, the Town Mouse goes and buys it from the shop. I'm not sure whether mice really could go and buy food from a shop, but I think that's probably true in this story.


「So off they went to Town Mouse's home. Country Mouse was amazed.」


「They had strawberries and cream for supper and soft beds to sleep in.」


“You see?” said Town Mouse. “You will like living in town.”


So look at the house here. It's very different to the house where the Country Mouse has been and lives. The house looks very grand. And look what they're having to eat? Lovely strawberries. Can you also see that they're wearing different types of clothes? Country Mouse wears its clothes, wear it out in the garden farming. And Town Mouse looks very smart with a shirt and a tie on. I wonder whether you would like to wear smart clothes or country clothes.


Next day, Country Mouse stepped into the dining room. He saw a huge table covered with puddings and pies and delicious cakes.」


“This is my sort of food, Cousin,” said Town Mouse. “And we didn't even have to work to get it. Let us begin!”


Can you see all the different foods? There's some grapes, some apples. And it looks like a rather big large chocolate cake. Hmm...A little bit different to all the berries and the different things that country Mouse had.


「Suddenly, three fierce dogs burst in.


Now, fierce means really scary.


They chased the frightened mice round and round the dining room. Town Mouse pulled Country Mouse back to the hole.


So look at these dogs. Look at their big teeth. They don't look very friendly at all. In fact, they look rather scary. And they had to pull the Country Mouse back into the hole. Otherwise, they might even get eaten.


Next morning, the two mice peeped out everything was quiet again.」


“All’s clear,” said Town Mouse. “You can come out now.”


But Country Mouse shook his head.


“Dear Cousin,” he said. “In town, you have lots of good things to eat and a soft bed to sleep in. But it is much safer in the country. I am going home. Goodbye.”


So I don't think Country Mouse likes being in the townin the same way that Town Mouse didn't enjoy being in the countryside.


「Country Mouse was glad to be home among the fields and hedgerows. 」


Sometimes as he nibbled his supper, he thought about Town Mouse in his grand house.


So Town Mouse lived in his big house in the town. Country Mouse lived in his little house in the country. And they were both very happy.


Well, we got to the end of the story. So it says “Look at these 5 pictures put them in the right order.” I wonder whether you can work it out. And while you're doing that, I want you to think about what this book teaches us.

好了,我们故事来到尾声看这5张图片,把它们按正确顺序进行排序”(※音频无法共享画面,如您希望参加导读直播课、与Mr Moore实时互动,请关注UKTL公众号,即可获取入群方式我想知道你是否能解决这个问题。当你们排序时,我想让你想想这本书教给我们什么道理

It's a very simple story. It only has two main characters, the Country Mouse and the Town Mouse. And what this book teaches us is that, actually, we are all differentand we all like different things.


So in many ways, this story isn't really about a Town Mouse and a Country Mouse. What it shows us is that everyone is different. We all like different things. And actually...Let me stop the share now...Properly that is what makes life so interesting.


It would be really boring if we were all the same. We all like different things. But in our lives, we can't always have the things that we want. We can't always do the things that we want to. We have to think about other people as well.


And with these two mice, they find it a little bit difficult to change and to adapt. Town Mouse has got used to living in the town and Country Mouse has got used to living in the country. One doesn't like one, or one doesn't like the other.


So I don't think they could ever really live together for very long. They both like different things, and they both enjoy doing different things. So it does teach us, doesn't it? That we're all a little bit different, and that is what actually makes life so wonderful.


