进阶英语听力训练28 |附测试题及答案

进阶英语听力训练28 |附测试题及答案

You might want to think twice before purchasing 1___ strawberries or spinach(菠菜 According to a new report from the Environmental Working Group(EWG),these foods 2___ with pesticide(杀虫剂).
Even low levels of pesticide exposure can be harmful to infants,babies and young children, so parents and caregivers should 3___ lower children's exposure to pesticide while still feeding them with diets 4___ he fruit and vegetables
Just last year, the red berry knocked apples and 5___ the most polluted.The pesticide increased in strawberries because of 6___.The most polluted strawberry had traces(痕迹)of 20 various pesticides.
Also 7___ this year is spinach.Spinach jumps 8___ most polluted product. The study finds spinach samples contain more pesticides 9___ than all other products tested. 10___, it can cause damage to the nervous system.
1.conventionally grown
2.are most likely to be polluted
3.take measures to
4.rich in
5.held the title of
6.out-of-season demand
7.moving up on the list
8.from the eighth to the second
9.by weight
10.In high doses
  • doublekilled
