进阶英语听力训练 26 |附测试题及答案

进阶英语听力训练 26 |附测试题及答案

There is a new law coming in 1___ bans the use of hand-held cellphones while driving. From Novemher 1st., drivers 2___ a hand-held cllphone 3___ $80 and get 20 demerit (过失) points. Licenses are lost at 100 demerit points. 4___ the New Zealand Transport Agency,65% of New Zealanders own a celiphone, and 57% of those people use their cellphones 5___
‌The law 6___ because the number of accidents caused by the cellphone is increaning, 7___ more and more people own and use one. Technology is getting better and cheaper.Althongh there are other distractions such as eating and changing the radio station, using a cellphone to call or text 8___.There are very few countries in the world that allow the use of hand-held cellphones in cars.
It is difficult to ban cellphones in cars altogether because people like businessmen use their cellphones for business and they might miss out on work if they 9___.They will have to buy a hands-free cellphone to use in the car. Cellphones are also good for security reasons and for reporting crashes. The new law allows the use of hand-held cellphones for 10___.
2.caught using
3.will be fined
4.According to
5.while driving
6.has been introduced
7.probably because
8.is considered more dangerous
9.cannot be contacted
10.111 emergencies only
  • doublekilled
