凯特·布兰切特 | 2022年“地球奋斗奖”创新峰会致辞

凯特·布兰切特 | 2022年“地球奋斗奖”创新峰会致辞


I'm Cate Blanchett, a founding partner of the Earthshot Prize Council. Today the Earthshot Prize Innovation Summit in partnership with Mike Bloomberg and Bloomberg Philanthropies will ask each and every one of us what we can do to accelerate progress to repair our planet this decade.


And offer solutions on how to collaborate to drive this ambitious but essential climate agenda. We will continue to drive impact around system changing climate solutions, and amplify the Earthshop Prize’s call to accelerate progress to repair our planet through collaboration and innovation.


But most importantly, we will remind ourselves what can be achieved when we turn pessimism to optimism and optimism into action.


Repairing and preserving the habitats that animals need to live, from rainforests and grasslands, to wetlands, lakes and rivers will ultimately protect all of us.


In Costa Rica, people are paid to preserve their land, and experts advise on how to sustainably manage and generate an income from it. Now, the country's Forest cover has doubled, and ecotourism has boosted the economy.


An initiative in Switzerland called Restore works like Google Maps for nature, using huge amounts of scientific data that can help users to rewild any terrestrial location on Earth.


In the Democratic Republic of Congo, gorillas were often hunted by the local population and turned into bushmeat. To combat that, the Pole Pole Foundation is teaching Families how to produce cheap, plant-based superfoods. Now, malnutrition rates are declining, and the local gorilla population is on the rise.

在刚果民主共和国,大猩猩经常被当地人猎杀,做成丛林肉(售卖)。为了解决这个问题,Pole Pole基金会正在教当地家庭如何生产廉价的植物性超级食物。现在,当地人口营养不良率正在下降,而大猩猩数量也在增加。

The effort to protect and restore nature involves us all and is essential if we are to ensure a fair and equal future for all life on Earth.


Clean, healthy air is essential to life on our planet. In India, the Takachar machine uses a low oxygen burning technique to safely convert agricultural waste into fertilizer and fuel. The device is already improving local air quality.


In recent years the air quality in Beijing, China, is being transformed by an inspirational new app. Using emissions data from thousands of factories, Blue Map App allows users to easily see which streets have clean or dirty air and report the worst polluters.


A 15 year old designer from India, Vinisha Umashankar is tackling fossil fuel pollution in her city. She created a solar-powered ironing cart, which could eventually help the 10 million ironing vendors in India move away from using charcoal.

来自印度的15岁设计师Vinisha Umashankar正在解决她所在城市的化石燃料污染问题。她发明了一个太阳能熨烫车,这个车可以帮助印度一千万熨烫小贩不再使用木炭。

Ingenious solutions like these mean that clean air and healthy lives are within reach for all of us.


Almost everything we do has a carbon footprint. That carbon dioxide is already making our planet warmer threatening all life on Earth. We need as many exceptional solutions as possible, right now, to fix our climate.


In Germany, innovators are focusing on hydrogen as an alternative to fossil fuels. Enapter provides low-cost high quality hydrogen in a small electrolyzer which can make a single home energy independent.


In Bangladesh, SOLshare is enabling communities to produce and share solar power by interconnecting households. Now, neighbors can buy and sell energy with each other in tiny, affordable amounts.


An innovative scheme in Nigeria called Readdi, allows people to rent cheap, powerful solar charged batteries. Providing clean, portable and reliable energy to homes and businesses, and reduce Independence on dirty diesel generators.


Tech Solutions like these, along with those provided by nature, are essential in humanity's challenge to stabilize our climate.


In nature, what is waste for one, is food for another. To live in a waste-free world, we need to build something similar. And we can do this by eliminating food waste and single-use packaging, whilst inspiring a new generation to reuse and recycle.


In Milan, three food waste hubs recover unused food from supermarkets and businesses, and distribute it to the neediest citizens. The food that ends up on plates, instead of in the trash, equals more than 260,000 meals a year.


In Nairobi, a company called Sanergy offers a clean and cost-effective way to process organic waste. Here, sanitation waste is safely removed, converted to fertilizer, and sold to local farmers.


A Japanese startup called WOTA creates a mini water treatment plant, turning more than 98 percent of water waste into clean, fresh water.


Initiatives like these can be replicated in cities and countries all around the world. They create a system where the leftovers of one process become the raw materials of the next, just like they do in nature.


Healthy oceans mean a healthy world, but they are under attack. Warmer temperatures, pollution and harmful fishing are putting life underwater in jeopardy. But this decade, we can choose to revive our oceans and make them healthy.


In the Bahamas, Coral Vita grows coral on land to replant in the ocean, giving new life to dying ecosystems. Their methods grow coral up to 50 times faster than in the wild and improves resilience of the impacts of climate change.

在巴哈马,Coral Vita在陆地上种植珊瑚,然后将它们移植到海洋中,给濒临死亡的生态系统带来新的生命。这种方法种植出来的珊瑚生长速度比野外快50倍,而且还提高了对气候变化影响的适应能力。

Pristine Seas brings together an expert team of scientists, filmmakers, and policy experts. They have produced over 200 scientific publications and 30 documentary films to inspire others to action.


Living Sea Walls creates habitat panels that are fitted to standard seawalls. The panels mimic natural formations and are now home to 36 percent more marine species than standard flat seawalls.


Our creativity and commitment on this front will allow our children to enjoy healthy, vibrant oceans for years to come.


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